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AN: I published this thing when I was in high school and going through some rough stuff, its been a few years but this story helped me through a lot of rough times. So, as much as I want to just take this down, I know I'd regret erasing the memories of the hard times those years brought with it. This is a hard read, the grammar is terrible and honestly I probably wouldn't save it to my own library; but besides correcting some punctuation errors I'd like to leave it as it is to preserve the memories. Therefore, I guess this message is just to tell you to READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, THIS WOULD GIVE ME A STROKE WITH ALL THE ERRORS.

Ranger Will Treaty and his wife Alyss have an eight year old son named Danial (after Will's father), a five year-old daughter named Rosemarie (Horace got to name her), and Alyss is pregnant with another child. They are living in a cabin that Baron Arald had built for them as a wedding present. Due to it's close to the rangers cabin that Will used to live in, Halt was often over spoiling the children he viewed as his grandchildren and they are enjoying living a quiet life in their forever home.

King Horace and his wife Cassandra are now King and Queen, but Duncan is still alive and there to help them if they need it, Horace and Cassandra have an seven year old daughter named Mary, a six year old son named William, and a three year old son named Duncan. Although Horace is king, he makes sure to see Will as much as possible, the two of them are still like brothers and nothing can break that bond.

Pauline died four years ago leaving Halt alone, he tried to lock himself away from the world but Will wouldn't hear of it. When the pain became too much for him, Will made Halt move in with him and Alyss in an attempt to remind him that they are one big family. With a new determination from the death of his beloved, Halt refuses to retire and insists he wants to die as a ranger; something everyone reluctantly accepts from the old man. To this day, Halt and Will continue to go on missions together and people rarely see them apart. In fact, as the years have passed, they have become closer and closer and now Will calls Halt Father and Halt calls Will Son.

Gillan and Jenny finally got married last year and are know living together with a baby on the way.

George was returning home from a Scribemen-mission when he was attacked and killed on the road.

Crowley is still alive and hasn't changed at all, although he's spending more time at Wills home with Will and Halt talking about old times.

So like I said "the kingdom of Araluen has been at peace for the past ten years, well ,not complete at peace they still have thieves and murders, spy's and traitors and all those other not so nice people but they haven't had a fight with another kingdom for ten years."

The Rangers haven't grown slack or anything in this time of peace they are still as great of Rangers as before but now they don't have as much to do, but that is all about to change.

What happens when Ranger Will disappears? When a man starts hunting Rangers as if they were animals? Will the rangers find a way out of this mess? Will ranger Treaty ever be seen again?


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