Rose's Return

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This chapter is all about Rose and what happens to her after she is taken from her father.


Will's P.O.V.

Three days have passed and I haven't had any thing to eat or drink and that plus all the running I've had to do has made me very weak, so it was no surprise when I just collapsed on the evening of the third day.

"Finally," the leader (he still wouldn't tell me his name) said as he leaned over me, "most men collapse on their first day, but no worries."

Turning to his men "take the girl back to Araluen and kill her." I almost instantly started to struggle against the ropes but I was so weak that I couldn't even move. "don't worry treaty, where your going you'll be glad she's dead and not there with you."

I was tied to a horse on my stomach and the last I saw of my beloved daughter was her crying face as she was carried back the way we came.

Rose's P.O.V

After watching as the man had my daddy tied to the horse and led away from me the two men that held me had put me on a horse and we had ridden back to Araluen, that had had been yesterday, right now I was tied to a tree crying because the men said that my daddy was going to be killed when he got when the leader was taking him, I had learned that the leaders name was Craig and that he had been hired to kidnap my father so that some-one that hated my father could kill him. I didn't know who wanted my father dead but I did know that they were taking him to Nederland.

"This is as good a place as any to kill her," Jim (1 of the men) said as he pulled out his sword and walked towards me.

"Jim, why do you get to kill her?" the other man Kyle asked, "Her father killed my brother so I should get to kill the little ..."

He never got to finish what he was saying because at that moment an arrow appeared in his chest killing him instantly, then another arrow appeared in Jim's chest and he dropped to the ground in front of me.

"Uncle Gill." I cried as Ranger Gillan stepped out of the trees followed by Ranger Halt, "Halt."

"Rose," uncle Gill said as he came towards me and started to untie me. "Are you alright Rose?"

"Yes, but those men are taking daddy to Nederland to kill him."

Gill looked at Halt as he finished untying me and poled me into his arms. Halt answered his unspoken question "Take Rose back to Alyss and then stay in Redmont, I'll go to Nederland and save Will."

Gill nodded and then climbed onto Blaze before taking off at a full run towards home. It was pitch black when we arrived at Redmont castle. Baron Arald met us at the gate and hugged me, "Alyss is in the infirmary," he told Gill who took me from the baron and carried me to the mother was lying in bed asleep with something in her arms, Danial was asleep in a bed beside hers but he woke up as we entered and as soon as he saw me he ran to us and taking me from Gillan's arms he hugged me to him before walking me over to the bad where mommy had woken up and was crying.

Mommy pulled me into her arms and showed me the baby beside her "Rose, this is your little brother, Halt." I smiled at the baby and then laying my head on my Mommy's shoulder I was soon fast asleep, but not before hearing Gill and my mother talking.

"Gill where's Will?" Alyss asked as she held me.

"He's being taken to Nederland," Gill told her "Halt is following them Alyss."

"Halt will bring him home." I heard my mommy say right before I drifted off to sleep.

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