King Jace

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King Jace's P.O.V.

"How is he?" I asked the healer, the man that is supposed to be a Ranger has not awoken since he collapsed on the trail four days ago, we got him to the castle and I have my best healer working to heal him.

"He's getting stronger, but I don't know when he'll wake." the healer said, "I've been poring broth, and medicines down his throat but there's just no way of knowing when he'll wake."

"Well, I think he's waking up." I said as I heard the man groan, we both turned to the man as he started to open his eyes.

Will's P.O.V.

"How is he?" I heard some one ask and recognized King Jace's voice, I tried to talk but no sound came out, I couldn't move.

"He's getting stronger, but I don't know when he'll wake." Some one else, probably the healer said, "I've been poring broth, and medicines down his throat but there's just no way of knowing when he'll wake."

"Well, I think he's waking up." The king said as I groaned, my stomach hurt and it felt like I had been trampled by a horse.

"Where am I?" I asked as I finally managed to to open my eyes and speak. I saw two men, one had brown hair and brown eyes and his build instantly told me that he was the healer, so the other man was the king, the king has blond hair and green eyes.

"You're at my castle," the king said, "what is your name?"

"My name is Will Treaty," I replied.

"So, you really are an Araluen Ranger!" the king said and I could tell that is was a statement not a question.

"What happened?"

"You collapsed on the trail four days ago, apparently you were stabbed." the king told me, "my healer has been working on you and as soon as you are healthy enough to travel I'll personally take you back to Araluen, Mr Treaty."

"Why would you do that?" I asked confused as to why he make so much trouble just to get me home.

"I have recently signed a treaty with Araluen and I don't plan on harming that treaty by letting you travel alone when you're hurt," the king explained "that and I have heard many tales of you, and I would like to get to know you."

"Thank you your Majesty." I said.

"Please, call me Jace." the king told me.

"Then you can call me Will." I replied.

"Will, do you mind if I ask your real last name?" Jace asked me.

"No, but I'm afraid that I can't answer your question," I replied, "I was raised as an orphan and I've never known my last name."

"I'm sorry." the king said and I could tell that he spoke truly.

"Don't be," I told him, "I probably wouldn't a Ranger if they had lived, plus I didn't know my parents so I can't really miss them."

"I'm still sorry," Jace replied.

I looked around the room and my gaze fell on a picture on the wall, it was torn in half and half of the picture was missing, "That picture?"

"It's a picture of two of my parents closest friends," Jace said following my gaze to the picture, "The other half is missing, and I don't know where to find it."

"Where's my bag?"

"It's right here," the healer said giving me the bag with all my Ranger Gear in it.

I looked through the bag until I came across the picture that I had kept with me since the day I was born, I got out of the bed, ignoring the healer as he tried to push me back onto the bed, I went over to the picture on the wall and taking it down I placed my picture next to it, they fit together perfectly to form one picture.

"How do you have the other half of the picture?" Jace asked me as he looked at the now whole picture.

"My father left it for me when he died, it's a picture of him and my mother." I told him, "but what does this mean?"

"It's means that we're brothers, Will." Jace told me.

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