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Will's P.O.V.

I woke up to find myself tied to a chair with a blindfold over my eyes, something was being pored down my throat. After I had collapsed and Rose had been taken I had been given a mouth full of water before being tied to a horse, that mouth full of water was the only thing they had given me and I had collapsed again two days later, only to wake up tied to this chair.

Whoever was poring stuff down my throat stopped and I heard their foot steps before I heard a door open and close, I knew that I was to weak to escape, before I had collapsed the second time I couldn't even hold myself up.

I heard the door open and the foot steps coming towards me, "you have no idea how long I've waited to meet you Mr. Treaty," a male voice said from right in-front of me, and I recognized the voice of the man that took my daughter and refused to tell me his name "I have need of your help,"

"You think I would help you after your men killed my daughter?" I demanded furious, how could he think that for one moment that I would help him?.

"You will help me." the man said, and the sound of his voice told me that he truly believed that he could make me help him. "I need you to get me money"

My blindfold was removed and I saw that the man was in his late thirties to late forties, he has brown hair and brown eyes, and sure enough he has a warriors body, "my name is Craig, Mr. Treaty, and whether you want to or not, you will help me." and with that he left.

Shortly after Craig left three men came in and I could tell from there smiles that they wanted to hurt me, "hello Mr. Ranger," one of the men said as he came forward and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulled my head back while grabbing my lower jaw and forced my mouth open so one of the other men could shove a gag in, "we've been told to get you ready."

The three men laughed before one of them raised his sword and brought the hand of the sword down on the side of my head, making everything go black.


I don't know how long I was out for but when I woke up, I was gagged but I was no longer tied to a chair, instead my wrists were tied behind my back with thick rope, and I was once again blindfolded. I heard a door open and then I was grabbed by the arm and forced to stand up, I was lead somewhere but the blindfold, and the fact that the man holding me kept stopping and making my turn around until I got dizzy, made it impossible to keep track of all the turns, we finally stopped and I was forced down onto my knees. As soon as I was forced onto my knees I felt people watching me, but there was one person that was watching me without looking away.

"Why is he gagged and blindfolded?" I heard a Lady's voice ask.

"He is gagged because he has a tendency to try to lie his way out of any situation," a male replied and I recognized Craig's voice, "and he is blindfolded because if he see's any possible escape he will try to get away."

"What kind of lies has he told to try to get away?" a man asked.

"He's said that he was an Araluen Ranger," Craig said and I heard people laughing, "I'll sell him for a hundred pounds."

And that's when I realised what Craig was doing, he was selling me as a slave and telling these people that I lied so that if I told them who I was they wouldn't believe me.

"One hundred?" a man asked, "don't you think that's a bit much?"

"Look at him," Craig said, "he's fit, he has strong muscles, he's good looking and he will be really fun to tame."

"You mean he's not tamed yet?" a woman's voice asked "he isn't struggling though."

"He isn't struggling because we've starved him so that he would be to weak to fight us," Craig said "right know he is so week from starvation that he can barley support his own weight."

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