Welcome Home

548 19 15

Third person P.O.V

(King) Horace, Gill, Crowley and Halt carried Will's coffin down the walkway to the grave, it was the day of Will's funeral. Will was being buried in the clearing where the Ranger Corps usually has it's meetings and it was the first time anyone that wasn't a Ranger was ever allowed in the clearing.

Every Ranger was here and so was the King and his wife and kids, and then there was Alyss and Will's kids and Jenny. Everyone watched as the four men carried the coffin to the grave and slowly lowered it to the ground beside the grave, all four of them had emotionless expressions on their faces but everyone in the clearing could tell that even iron faced Halt felt the loss of Ranger Will Treaty.

The four men turned to the people in the chairs behind them and Halt did the most unexpected and shocking thing, he took his Saxe knife and opened the coffin before grabbing the oak-leaf insignia inside and throwing it into the trees to his right.

"How is it that on the day we decide to place you in the ground thinking you're dead, you show up out of nowhere as healthy as a horse?" Halt asked, looking into the forest where he had thrown the insignia, and out of the trees stepped a Ranger.

"I'm not as healthy as I would like to be Halt, I was stabbed in the stomach and I'm still healing," Will said as he smiled at his friend and former mentor.

"DADDY," Danial and Rose yelled together before running to Will, who dropped down onto his knees and wrapped his arms around them both.

"Will, what happened?" Alyss asked as he came towards them, and looking up Will saw the bundle in her arms, Will stood up and went to Alyss before looking down at the baby in her arms.

"Halt," Will said as he wrapped his arms around his wife and son, then he whispered in Alyss's ear "I've missed you so much Alyss"

"Will? What happened?" Crowley demanded saying it loud enough and with enough power behind it that everyone became very quit.

"I was captured by a man named Craig," Will explained. "He took me to the Nederlands and sold me as a slave to King Jace, who only bought me to get me away from Craig, before handing me over to the King, Craig had his men stab me, after getting me to his castle the king had his healer fix up my wounds, when I woke the King had a wagon prepared and he had his men bring me to the Arualen boarder before giving me a horse and returning to the Nederlands."

Crowley nodded. After what seemed like hours the last Ranger left and it was only Crowley, Halt, Alyss, Danial, Rose, baby Halt, Jenny, Gill, Horace, Cassandra, Mary, William, and Duncan.

"Will? What really happened?" Crowley asked, and everyone turned to Will.

"Craig kidnapped and sold me to get revenge on me for killing his brother, but other than that it's just like I told the others." Will said he and Jace decided that it would be better for everyone if no one found out that they were brothers.

"Alright, good night everyone." Crowley said before hopping on his horse and taking off.

Later that night, back at the Cabin, Alyss asked Will "is something bothering you?"

"No. I was just thinking,"

"About?" Alyss asked.

"What I would tell Crowley if he asked me to go on a mission any time soon." Will told her.

"And what would you tell him?"

"I would tell him that I need to spend some time with my family and that I don't want to have to leave Redmont any time soon." Will explained.

"I love you Will." Alyss said.

"I love you too Alyss." Will replied before kissing Alyss.

*********** THE END*****************

AN: If you managed to read this all the way through, despite the warning in the first chapter, you have more patience for poorly written things than I do and I hope you enjoyed it.

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