Wills Kidnapping

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Will's P.O.V

"Daddy" I dropped my coffee and ran out the door bow in hand as soon as I heard the scream, I ran around the cabin to the clearing in the back only to stop in horror when I got there, there were almost twenty men in the clearing and all or them were on house back except the man in the middle, who was holding a knife to my daughter's throat.

"Are you the Ranger known as, Will Treaty?" the man asked me.

"Yes." I answered, Abalard had been injured and wasn't ready for hard riding yet so Halt had borrowed Tug to go to a meeting with Crowley which explained why Tug didn't warn me about the men, Alyss had to go talk to Baron Arald and she had taken our son (Danial) and Ebony (will's dog) with her, so it was just me and Rose here at the cabin.

"Good." the man replied before motioning to a man on his right who rode his horse towards me, as I raised my bow towards him I heard Rose cry out again and turning back to her I saw that the man had a handful of her hair in his fist, "Let John take your weapons our your daughter dies."

I handed my bow and knifes to John and he took them and handed them to another man, the horses were making so much noise that I didn't hear the two men coming up behind me until they grabbed my arms and forced them behind my back before tying them there, one of the men came out in front of me as the other one held me still, the one in front of me started to check for hidden weapons, and he found the knife in my boot which he took before they both forced me to walk to the middle of the clearing where they forced me down onto my knees in front of the man that held my daughter.

"He was hiding this in his boot sir." one of the men that held me told the man giving him the knife, the man looked at the knife before he turned to me and then, raising him hand, he backhanded me across the cheek splitting my bottom lip.

"Strip him to the waist and gag him," the man ordered the two men holding me, and they did, they used a knife to cut my shirt (I wasn't wearing my cloak) and then one of the men grabbed my jaw and forced my mouth open so that the other could shove a gag into my mouth, they then tied a cloth around my head to hold the gag in place.

"Give that to me," the man that held my daughter commanded pointing to the oak-leaf insignia around my neck, one of the men that had gaged me took the insignia from around my neck and gave it to the man who looked at it before putting it in a hidden pocket in his cloak, he held his hand out to one of his men and they gave him a length of rope which he then tied around my neck, one of his men had picked up Rose (who now had her hands tied together and was gaged) and put her on a horse and the leader now climbed on behind her holding the end of the rope that was tied around my neck, the leader jerked on the rope and I was forced to start walking behind him or be choked.

I quickly got the hang of walking with my hands tied behind my back and the leader seeing this made his horse go faster so that I ended up having to run to keep from choking, by the time we finally stopped I could hardly feel my legs, one man tents were set up and fires were started, the leader lead me over to a tree and tied the rope to the tree making it so I couldn't move unless I wanted to choke, a man came up to us dragging Rose behind him and he tied her to me by untying her hands and then retying them around the tree.

The men left us alone and I tried to comfort Rose as best I could in our condition, it took awhile but we soon fell to sleep.

The next morning we set out again with me running behind the leader and Rose riding in front of him, I hadn't been given any food or water but Rose had and for that I was grateful.

I didn't know were we were but I hoped that Halt or Gillan would find us soon.

I had no way of knowing that we were in Rijk (A/N Rijk if pronounced Ri-Jay-Ka)

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