Chapter 12

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My options are limited. How am I going to fucking do this.

"Fuck!" I yell to myself banging the kitchen table I'm sitting at.

I had just dropped Laylie back at the house after finding her with fucking Evans. This motherfucker thinks he can waltz in and try to show Boss he's better than me? I could give two shits about any other task, but this one he needs to leave the fuck alone. I have one bad meeting with Boss and already Evans is up and trying to prove his worthiness. And how? By trying to fucking befriend her.

The phone rings three times before he answers.

"Hello. Evans speaking" I can already see the smirk on his damn face.

I let out a frustrated sigh, "are you out of your fucking mind!" I say low and deathly breathing in slowly to try and control my anger.

"Oh by what do you mean Asher?" He asks all fucking innocently.

"You are ruining this mission! She is fucking smart and for sure smarter than your ass!" I say raising my voice.

"Ouch that was harsh. I was just being kind. Plus you are taking a tad bit too long. Somebody has to get the information somehow" he chuckles at the end.

"You can't just fucking rush this shit-" I start to say but this butch decides to cut me off.

"Oh but sweet Asher. The girl has started to trust me already" my blood boils, "we talk and talk, and oh god how can you resist that scrumptious body of hers?" he starts saying,"I mean that ass and those lips, if I was on this mission I'd already be so deep in that tight little pussy of her-" I immediately cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up! Just stay the fuck away from her for now on or so help me I will shoot you straight in the fucking head" I yell through the phone, "and believe me when I say, no one will give a shit if you're gone" I then press the end bottom and let out a large breath of air.

My blood is pumping fast and I take deep breaths.

I need some air.

I gab my coat opening the front door. But then. I hear it. It's faint. Her cries. The second I hear her plea for help I run. I don't know how but it's like my whole body has pumped into gear and I just bolt right up to the door.

And of course it's fucking locked. I can hear her pleas more loudly but now it's sort of stopped. Fuck! Why can't I fucking hear her! I bang on the door and after waiting maybe 10 seconds I kick.

The small fragile wood door has now snapped on the edge. The second I burst in, cocaine is scattered on the table. What the fuc- I then see the bitch herself. Laying there on the couch as if her fucking daughter isn't in the room dying. Wait.

If she is out here then- I bolt opening the door after door. Midway opening one door I here her.

"Please" then more sobs.

I sprint to the door and burst through revealing a fucking fat man suffocating Laylie. My breathing is heavy and I instantly grab at his arm ripping him away from her. I fling him onto the floor and his back hits the side table.

"Motherfucker." Her says groggily.

I then see her there. Laying half naked with her clothing ripped and cheek tainted red while tears stain her face. She looks fazed but still awake. Her breathing is shallow. She turns her head now facing me with her piecing blue eyes.

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