Chapter 8

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After Nace had practically broken down the door of Asher's home and yelled at him as if he was the one who almost raped me, we had left. We are currently sitting in her car driving to her home. The ride is silent and I can feel Nace about to explode with questions. The day is chilly but at the same time sunny. The leaves on the trees are blossoming with bright colors of orange and red and yellow. I peek over at Nace and see her pursing her lips together and I slightly laugh at her anticipation. Shortly we arrive at her home and swiftly we both exit the car, walk up the brick pathway and are soon engulfed in the warmth. As if we can read each other's minds we wander upstairs, go into her bedroom, both sit down on the two fluffy white chairs and bam.

"WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCKKKKK HAPPENED!!" Damn Nace take it down a notch.

I exasperate a large heavy breath and begin my story. I start from the beginning with my mother then drifting to how I was at the diner and happened to be spotted by the devil. Then bada-Bing Bada-boon, we get to the part I dread telling her. Freaking tears start falling down my face and I can't help but wipe them away angrily. Why can't I be stronger? I finally tell her how Asher had came to the rescue and the next thing I know I had woken up in his bed and yeah. I didn't go into much detail with him. I don't want to show any signs of potential feelings.

Suddenly, she quickly gets up and I feel like I just got whiplash.

"I SWEAR TO GOD THE NEXT TIME I SEE THAT KID HE IS LITERALLY DEAD. Ooooo man! I can see it already. First IMMA stomp on his obnoxious little head, then IMMA rip his balls off and shove them in his mouth, then-"

"WOAHH Woah Woah, okay yes we know he's dead, let's not get into much detail. I just ate a feast and I don't wanna vomit it up" I say slowly getting up putting one hand up to her and the other clutching my stomach.

I notice her breathing heavily and soon she plumps down on her plush queen bed. Finally letting out a last loud groan.

"Well, I've had a day and just wanna forget it ever happened, so if we could not mention it I would appreciate that," I say smiling weakly at her as I lean against her white beauty vanity.

She sits up and looks at me, then a large smile spreads across her face, "okay Lay I promise I won't mention it. Andddd I know the perfect thing to get our minds off things" I know exactly what she is about to say, "LET'S GO SHOPPING FOR TONIGHTS PARTY!" I have yet to comprehend how she can go from Jon Cena in the ring one second and the next an excited 5 year old winning a stuffed bear.

I stare at her for a second. Laughing then erupts from me and I can't stop? I keep laughing and my stomach soon starts to hurt. What the hell? Nace starts looking at me worriedly. My breathing is heavy and I slowly start sliding against the table down onto the floor. I keep laughing but soon it's now a mixture of tears and emotions. My chest feels like someone is crushing me. I feel trapped and suffocated. I feel dizzy and lost.

"Lay! Laylie please breath you are having a panic attack again." She kneels in front of me putting her hands on my shoulders. She stays calm to ensure my panic doesn't worsen.

"Breath with me okay. Ready" I look in her eyes and copy her actions. One breath in. Hold. Another out. Let everything out. We repeat this a couple of times until my breathing has evened out. I stare down at my lap and shut my eyes. I feel at ease, but tense at the same time. I look up at Nace and see she is crisscrossed in front of me waiting for my reaction. I smile. She then throws her arms around me.

"I promise to never let anything bad happen to you." She says and I almost start tearing up again.

"I'm so lucky to call you my best friend," I say hugging her tightly. Nace is my family. No matter what.

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