Chapter 20

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This place isn't really home. But it's the closest thing to it. The familiar aroma of axe and coffee immediately brings back a past life.

I release Sebastian, "glad to be back"

"Hmm and it looks like you're not alone" he looks behind me wiggling his eyebrows at Laylie.

I take a few steps back until I'm next to her and wrap my arm around her waist. I can feel her tenseness and slightly give her a squeeze.

"Great observation. But hear this now. She is absolutely off limits and not to be messed with" I say authoritatively.

"Ahh no. No way. Has Ash finally found a girl for him or is this just another fuck for the night or two" instantly I clench my jaw as Sebastian says this shit. This fucking kid.

I stride towards him fisting his shirt, "I said. She. Is. Not. To. Be. Messed. With. Respect her as you respect me. And I swear if I hear one thing about her from any of you regarding her that I don't like. I will shoot you myself." I release Sebastian. "Got it!?" I then hear a bunch of mumbled 'Yes's'. Exhaling I go back to Laylie's side.

"So anyway. Does 'her' have a name. Or shall we not hold the privilege of knowing it." Sebastian mocks me.

I give him a death glare. Which causes him to slightly chuckle. Before I can tell them, Laylie interrupts.

"My name is Laylie" she clears her throat.

"And does Laylie have a last name?" Sebastian asks sarcastically annoying me.

She pauses for a moment and glances up at me, then back at Sebastian. I hear her sigh before she speaks, "Laylie Francis Volevoy."

Instantly Sebastian's smirk disappears into a confused glare and darts his stare back at me.

"Asher. I understand you may be the smartest person in this home. But are you completely insane?!" Sebastian moves a bit towards us swinging his hands in the air. "If she is who I think she may be-" i keep a scowl on my face and interrupt him.

"She is." I say nonchalantly.

"So you mean to tell me you just brought the relative of one of the most dangerous man known to all man kind!?" Sebastian yells.

"She's actually Dimitri's daughter," I say calmly.

"Ohh even fucking better. So the devil birthed a child," he replies sarcastically, "Huh, the devil birthed a gal with the face of an angel, how ironic" he says and I just glare at him, "what? it was a compliment." He looks completely lost at this point. And instantly his face turns grim, "she can't be here. She is a fucking bomb and you just invited death through the door!" He yells. I look around and see everyone shocked and confused.

I stride up to his face, "I am not going to fucking condone you speaking to me like this. I am doing what I know is right!"

"So killing all of us is right!" He yells back.

"Oh stop being a fucking bitch and man up. You will not fucking die because of a mere girl-" I say.

"A girl whose father is being man hunted by blood thirsty lords. Who, if you haven't realize, will do anything to locate Dimitri even if that means killing anyone in their way!" He says.

"I realize-" I start off but am abruptly cut off.

"Please don't tell me others know of her existence," he eagerly waits for my reply and I exhale. 

"They do,"

"Oh well fucking hell. Alright men prepare for impact, we are going down six feet, this is fucking in-"  

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