Chapter 7

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The images won't leave me alone.

The driver tosses me a roller bandage and I wrap up Alyssa's left arm.

I rinse my hands through the water in my bottle, cleaning off the red staining blood.

"Morning," Alyssa yawns and not by my surprise looks straight at her arm.

"What happened!?" she stammers, she flinches at the severe sting that occurs every second or so.

The sharp pain you get in your stomach when you have indigestion.

"Just a graze," I hold her arm and look into her eyes.

"It hurts so much, why is it so big?" she worries.

I reassure her that everything is okay ,"We didn't have a smaller bandage. it's fine."

Cars, as they do and have done for the past 2 days, drive past not taking any notice of us.

"Alright everyone," the bus driver croaks for the fiftieth time so far ,"The bus insurance truck will come today, we are changing to a better bus so gather your gear."

Michael kisses Hannah on the jaw and the rest of us pack up.

We hear a loud screech and turn to see a large double decker bus by our side.

"Okay everyone in." the bus driver smiles as she pins her hair back into a bun.

I gape. How could she see us?

Walking over to her, I allow my question to flow out of my mouth.

"How did you see us?" I stutter.

"I shouldn't be saying this but," she begins leaning closer she whispers ,"I know the demon has been here."

I knew it. Wait what?! How does she know?

"I've witnessed it as well. My sister Lily was tortured by it. I never believed her but then a few days later, her mangled body was hung on the ceiling."

Everyone talks and walks onto the bus so I join them and hold Alyssa tighter than ever.

"What are you doing babe?" she jumps, I realise I'm choking her.

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

As we climb the stairs we realise this is a tour bus and their are 3 bedrooms.

I smile at her and she bites her lip.

Grabbing her by the scarf I pull her into the 2nd bedroom and shut the door.

She locks it and I lay on the queen bed.

"I know what you want and I've been waiting so long." she jumps on top of me and pulls my leather jacket over my head and onto the floor.

She frowns,"Why do you wear so many layers?"

She rips off my shirt and places her hands on my chest. Leaning over she crashes her lips with mine and I feel her tongue trail my lower lip.

Alyssa's POV

I force my tongue past his lips and I tug on his hair, making him moan and his eyes flutter.

"This is boring why don't we do something else?" I hear him moan between breaths.

I pull his pants off and he takes mine off.

(Sorry for this chapter being short but I've been really busy lately. I will make it up for it and make chapter 8 long. By the way,"I know what you want and I've been waiting so long," is from little white lies. It's finally gotten sexual yay. Anyway, Vote, Comment, etc.

Love you all :3 )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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