An Important decision...

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( ok, this is picture is you mixed with Essence enjoy....)

✌🏻✌🏻bff/n P.O.V✌🏻✌🏻
I ran to my room and opened my closet and pressed a button hidden behind some of some clothes, the back of the closet opened and there was my suit. It was like the others but white with purple. I ran back outside and went to the main bridge where everyone else was waiting.

"Hey Allura, what's going on?" I asked

"Zarkon seemed to have managed to track us down again, so we have to wormhole out of here," Allura said, I looked around to see there wasn't really anywhere for me to be stationed so I just kind of stood by Allura for now. I then noticed that some galra ships where trying to fire at us while Lance and Keith fight them off with there little droids.

"Coran, are we ready to jump?" Allura yelled, probably the hundredth time since I got here. This princess needs to be patient sometimes, even if it meant we were going to get killed.

"Umm, I think so, we can wormhole outta here in about...ah, 10 ticks I guess?"

"Good, that will be great-emm-just hurrry, I don't know how long we can hold them off,"

"I wouldn't really do that though if I were you," who the quiznak just said that?

I turned around to find a girl clothed in black with mint blue eyes.

"Eccence," I hissed, causing her to laugh. She suddenly dissapered and was next to the Princess.

"Eccence, what are you doing here?"

"Well my dear sweet Allura, I'm just here to help,"

"Since when do you help!" I blurted out causing her to turn her gaze at me. "You possess my best friend, and used her to kill Allura, causing your brother, Cliff to kiss her out of the trance, which by they, she quite enjoyed-"

"WE GET IT!" everyone shouted, which made me feel a bit taken back.

There was another big shot taken at us, and from the looks of Coran freaking out and waving his arms in the air like a lunatic, probably means that the particle barrier can't stay up for much longer. 

"Fine, if this won't get your attention and won't change your mind," Eccence then disappeared again and reappeared on the screens, "then maybe this will,"

"Eccence, move out of the way, we can't see!" Exclaimed Shiro, trying his best not go all out worrier freak.

"I will not, Black pallidon, for I have something that I believe needs to come to your attention,"

Lance glared at her, "go on freaky lady,"

"Thank you, if you are to wormhole out of here, I can assure you will believe that you will think that you landed in a peaceful planet and Zarkon will not find you," This has to be a trap, she just wants us to be blown to pieces my the galra and have our lions taken, man, I really need to get serious help right now.

"But," she continued, "if you do wormhole out of here, then you may lose on of your pallidons and that lion will be captured,"

"And if we don't?" Asked Pidge

"Well, then you will all live and no one will go missing and what not-"

"Your lying, we'll all be fine and safe if we wormhole outta here! Staying here would be suicide!" Coran said checking through his little computer thing, I bet you if this was an episode, I could imagine all the little cartoons popping into his head.

Wait, what if this was an episode of Voltron?! I quickly looked around to see if there were any hidden cameras around here, nope looks like there isn't.

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