The Feast pt 1...

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         (A/n: This is your outfit up above! I do hope you guys like it!😅🤗)

😉😉Y/n's P.O.V😉😉

It's been a good couple of minutes-no scratch that-hours since Keith had asked me to the fest, Allura dressing me, Pidge and bff/n up and me slightly changing it up a bit. Ok, I lied, a lot.

I was definitely not gonna wear a big poofy dress with a weird sharp circle thing around me, like honestly I could poke someone's eye out! So I just made a few changes to it by getting rid of the poofyness (don't care if it isn't a word, it is now!) and making the the spikey stuff go down a bit.

After getting all that done I quickly got rid of the mess I made in my room and looked in my mirror then at the makeup I had sitting on the top of my chest of drawers. 

Did I need makeup? Maybe. Is everyone else who is a girl gonna where makeup? Probably. Do I still want to put it on? No, not really. 

This little debate went on in my head yet again, for another few minutes until finally I just decided to put a little on...just a little. And for the hair? Well I just let it be I mean, yeah it wasn't perfect, my hair still was a little messy from battle and the crystals were still there but it was good enough. 

I then went over to Pidge's room to go see how she was doing, and to be honest, she literally ditched the dress and just put on a suit. When she saw me she literally looked like she was gonna faint.

"Holy crab cakes, you look amazing," 

"Thanks, you look pretty good as well," 

Pidge grinned and sat on her bed, I joined her and we began to talk about life back on earth. But soon the talk turned into talking about what's been going on these past few day and then it soon turned into...well you might have guessed, relationships.

"Does anyone here like date anyone?" I asked her causing her to laugh.

"Nah, not really...all of us are just friends here buuuut..."

"But what?"

"Well, I may know someone or some people who may like you and bff/n,"  I shooted myself closer to her and put a hand on my cheek.

"Tell me!" 

"Well alright but-"

"Paladins! The people  of Mandoria are arriving shortly, please come and get ready to be announced," Coran yelled over the comm. Pidge sighed and shrugged.

"Opps, well I guess you would have to find out later," she then hopped out of bed and went out of her room leaving me really annoyed. I mean I would like to know who like me or even bff/n but at the same time, I kinda of already know except I'm just not hundred percent sure.

Was I being dumb? Yes, yes I probably was. 

I then left and went to go meet up with the others but I was suddenly stopped by Coran who was know what I can't really explain it but anyway he stopped me and gave me a smile.

"Ah, hold to you space boats, you gotta be announced first," 

"Really you don't have to-" he completely ingnored me and went to one side of the stairs and blew his mini trumpet thing which caused the crowed to look in his direction. He then cleared his throght and spread his arms out wide as if he was about to give them all a hug.

"I now pronounce, the Paladin of the Crystal dragaon, y/n l/n!" Then everyone looked in my direction and just stared at me. I cought a glimpse of Lance grinning, Shiro smiling along with bff/n under his arm, Pidge and Hunk in the middle of eating some food goo and Keith...holy cow his reaction was priceless. His mouth hung open so low I thought it was gonna fall off.

This kind of made me feel better in a way and I began to walk down the stairs and once at the bottom I just gave a little wave. After that everyone just went back to whatever they were doing.

I then saw Keith made his way to me and gave me a smile. He was wearing a red shirt with a black blazer over it and black trousers and well, you guessed it, black shoes. To be honest, he looked pretty...well you know.

"Hey y/ you look good...I mean not like good to eat or something-" he stopped and blushed darkly. "You know what I mean..."

I laughed softly and took him by the hand. "C'mon lets dance," he smiled and I smiled back, we then headed in the middle of the dance floor and we began to dance.

A/n: there is a pt.2 don't ya worry! Sorry if my updates are really slow! I've been trying to get ideas! I'll get the next part up soon since I'm currently working on it right now! Bye for now✌🏻✌🏻

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