-1- First Fight

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The usual mornings. The usual, annoying birds chirping just outside my window, loud enough for me to hear, usually some Disney princess would start singing, unfortunately for me I'm no princess and I'm not in the mood to sing. Today is the first day of school, meaning the usual bullshit from my teachers, and the usual crap from my classmates, talking about their sun tans and summer traveling stories which end up forgotten in a few months. Oh, how many times I'm gonna be cringing for a few weeks.

And the first period went exactly the way I suspected it to - the teacher was talking with his pets or 'nerds' of our class as one would say and the popular guys were by the wall scanning every single girl in the room. I feel sick by just feeling their looks burning on the back of my head.

One of the nerds was also my friend Jessie, she wasn't the typical 'nerdy nerd' since she was my best friend and I wasn't the type to listen well - so my carelessness rubbed on her too a little. She was something interesting to say the least, she manages to do her homework and keep a good relationship with her family. She usually hangs out with me everyday from after school till 8 PM until her mom is calling her, worried sick for her only daughter. I wish my parents would even look at me the way her mom looks at her, I mean, I know I ain't the best kid to have but it won't hurt to at least acknowledge my needs or presence. Well we can't change our fate huh, guess I was destined to be thrown around like a rag doll since my early years...

"Yo, you still alive?" I blink once, twice and finally roll my eyes to the girl sitting on my right. "Yeah, I think so. No wait I was dead on the inside for years. But what's up?" I crack a smile from her small lips and I grin from ear to ear. "Remember when I left for 3 weeks on August? And we were saying our goodbyes.. and you gave me your bat with 'magic sharpie drawings' all over it?" I reminisce about the time she bawled her eyes out on my favorite flannel the day Jessie said she's going to leave the country to visit her aunt in Norway. The girl was more wrecked than I was. I gave her my  wooden bat and said "If any boy tries to put his dirty hands on you use this" she was genuinely happy, a worthless bat with my drawings scribbled all over really made her feel better. I didn't know how  could such a thing would even lift her mood, maybe the memories of me beating up her bullies when we were a bit younger raced through her mind, because they were in mine. I only hung out with my friend Jaebum those whole 3 weeks when she was gone. He isn't really the type to hang out with me or the type to hang out as friends at all, he is pretty popular and a huge flirt but we get along great since he used to be my brother's friend and come over a lot.
"Yeah..?" I tilt my head a bit higher "Thank you for that, I placed it in your locker today just before you arrived so don't forget to take it home, I heard the locker thief from last year only got summer school and is still here, they didn't expel him or anything, so be careful" I give her a reassuring nod. "So did you crack any skulls in Norway nerdy?" she glares at me for the nickname and opens her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by the guys in the back, laughing arrogantly and yelling nonsense until I hear someone in their group talk "Oooh what do we have here, some kid must've swung really good on someone's head because the handle looks as if it was gripped so tight the wood is all uneven"  "Hey Y/N the teacher is gone--" Jessie turns to the side the popular kids were seated at and looks in horror. " Y/N that's your--" my hands ball into fists and a horrifying look creeps on Jessie's small face. I stand up, my hands tightly pressed against my sides as I walk up to the group of 6 boys. 'D.O' Kyungsoo, 'Kai' Jongin, Kris, Baekhyun, Lay and probably worst of all Chanyeol.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I snap at the blonde haired boy called Lay, eyes clouded with anger all of the boys eyes were on me, watching my every move in surprise, the adrenaline in my veins kept their stares away from reaching my brain as i glance at the one holding my baseball bat. "What does it look like I'm doing cupcake?" I pull the bat out of his grip and once he hops off the table he was sitting on, starts taking a few steps towards me, I subconsciously take 2 steps away from him to keep him away and his friends stand up behind him, one hand on his shoulder as they all push the tables aside as if trying to make me give back my bat, in other words trying to make me fear them. I've been a rag doll before but this bat is precious to me as it helped me overcome that feeling, I'll go over it all over again if it meant keeping it. Jessie joins my side holding onto my wrist as if she's afraid I'll jump on them."T-this bat is hers, you can't steal things from other people's lockers." the boy cocks his head "Oh yeah Penelope? I paid money for that so now it's mine, blast off before any of you got hurt." I look at the worried girl beside me, she's giving me a look that says 'don't do this' hell, I never knew her first day of school will be ruined by me again.
"So who is the guy that steals from lockers?" I bob my head to the side and click my tongue in annoyance. "Do you think I'll tell you Missy?" "No, but I think you're smart enough to tell the guy to back off if he doesn't want his customers expelled, I mean, c'mon, I'm a girl I could easily just say you tried to assault me." "Bitch move" Suho yells from behind. "and taking other people's shit is a dick move. So calm your pretty little head flower boy" I exhale sharply, letting go the last breath of anger in my system. after a few seconds of silence the bell rings. With a laugh or two from his friends he tsk's in annoyance and leaves the classroom with 2 of his followers behind, making sure to shove away a few people making their way out of the class. "Gosh I thought you would go on a rampage or something" I turn to look at the boys and mutter "Please, I wouldn't go super sayian on a bunch of wusses, besides, It's been a while I was on edge so this was pretty intense for me too." swinging my baseball bat a few times, I exit the class with Jessie by my side.

--- After School---

Since after school Jessie had to go to her Dad's workplace I went home alone. The only thing separating me from the rest of reality is my earphones, making everyone non existent, completely cut off from reality I walked down the street with the same baseball bat in my hands, only focusing on it's hard wooden handle in my grip.

Was the sky always so...colorless? Or is my vision getting blurry...? I can feel my body being moved, my heartbeat rapidly hammering in my chest, yet I don't feel anything that could get me so shaken up. "Yah! Are you alright? Shit this is all my--.. fault...? Hey you're the girl with the bat, Y/N right?" I hear the guy speaking but I don't understand what he's saying, I rip the lone earphone from my left ear only noticing that the right bud wasn't in my ear. I prop myself on my elbows only to discover a still rolling skateboard beside my feet, my bag somewhere behind my left side and the said bat on the side of the road. "So sorry, I was going pretty fast and I was yelling for you to move--" "REALLY? You still didn't stop even though you clearly saw I wasn't moving?" I yell and immediately regret it, as my head starts to pang on the back I hiss and put my hand just a few inches above the back of my neck. I caught a glimpse of the boy I assumed was Chanyeol, looking at me wide eyed, brushing his silver-ish hair with his left hand and putting his dominant hand just over mine behind my head completely swallowing my hand under his. "You might have a concussion" he says lowly, making me jolt a bit and he let's out a small chuckle. "Shouldn't you run off now that you hurt me or something? Didn't your type do that? What's it called.. ugh bullying?" I look at the sky and it's back to being it's usual blue, and it seems to drive me into a dazed mood. "What do you mean 'my type' I'm not a dick okay. Hey this isn't bullying, this was an accident. C'mon I'll help you get home since you might black out somewhere, is it far?" Chanyeol stands up looking left and right, picking up my bag and handing me the baseball bat. I put the phone in my pocket and he offers me his hand. I ponder for a moment only to decide It's not going to change anything anyway so I take his hand and he pulls me up. "It's just a block away, I'll get there no worries." Taking a glance at the bruises on my elbow and knees I click my tongue and putting my bag over my shoulder I continue to walk home. "Hey don't be like that, put your hand over my shoulder and I'll help you walk." the boy jumps in my face and I roll my eyes. "Look, I didn't break my legs or anything, I'll just go there by myself you've done enough, just go home." the boy nods and walks beside me.
A few silent minutes pass and every now and then he takes a glimpses of me with worry written all over his face, and whenever I spotted him looking he looked away in the speed of light. I grunt in annoyiance "What are you doing?" I question his antics "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going home." 'piece of shit' I murmur and the boy looks at me "Did you say something?" I stand still and look at him "Yeah I asked what's your favorite music" I shoot back sarcasticlly "Oh I like Hip Hop" is this guys serious?  "Yeah...yeah.." I chuckle and he does the same after a few seconds.
Finally reaching my home I stay still and he takes a few steps forward, only to turn around and look at me. "What is it?" he raises his eyebrows "This is my place." I say and the boy only lets out an "Oh".... "Thank you" I say a bit silently and Chanyeol smiles genuinely for once, not like one of those smiles he gives to the girls that I caught confessing their feelings to him. At least now I know when he's really happy or not, faking things is one of his friends specialties and he isn't any different so I guess seeing him do something so insignificant to normal people yet so inhumane to his type is also story like. "Anytime, if you need anything just let me know." the grey haired male points at a house just a couple of buildings away from mine. I mutter out a "We'll see." entering the house I finally take a long sight of relief, feeling as if I just escaped the Devil himself. looking through the living room window, holding the view of the front yard I secretly look at Chanyeol, slowly gazing at my house he picks up his pace and dissapears from my field of vision.

Maybe Park Chanyeol isn't as bad as I thought...?

A/N AYY a new fanfic, hopefully gonna be better bc it's my second so idk idk, we will see where im gonna go in this story huh, tell me what you think in the comments, kay buh bye

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