-3- Patience

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Currently, I was walking towards a table by the window with three plates of food in my hands. Yes, I actually got a job. It's not much but I get by, it's supposedly a family pizzeria, as my manager Juliana said. Honestly, she's a bitch, not only did she give me a ripped uniform (which really was just a black apron ending 15 centimeters above my knee and a red t-shirt) but she had the bravery to call me a "teenage brat". I can't really say anything to her, she rats out everyone to the owner of the restaurant who is surprisingly an old lady, she was nice to me, but I guess time will tell when she'll start to bug me for nothing.

Despite putting up with the dumbest customers and the dumbest manager, I'm pretty satisfied because maybe, in a few months, I could rent a cheap place with Jessie (if, of course, she'll willingly live with me and my bad habits). I don't like the job, but I don't like living on other people's shoulders either, so I put up with the work I'm given, five, or sometimes six days in a week.
Occasionally, a few people I've seen from school come by here, they don't pay much attention to me, at least not when I'm taking their order, or bringing their check they're not, sometimes makes me enjoy the fact that people don't know me. Quite frankly I don't like people, or small talk, so knowing that nobody, could ever talk to me during work makes me feel at ease.
Jessie sometimes comes with me after school, she orders a milkshake or pie and then leaves, the girl purposely sits in one of the tables I'm in charge of which are 4,5,6 and 7. She giggles when I approach her table, and always makes sure she leaves me a cent or two "as a tip", well at least that's what she told me.

"(Y/N)! Did you clean table 6?" one of my coworkers ask, I don't remember her name but I know she's 20. "Yeah, is something wrong?" "No, nothing, but this cute guy with a few friends are there, mind if we switch tables? You can take my table 2 and I take your 6." I ponder for a moment and decide I should leave my work load as it is and not switch up. I respond with a polite 'No' and the girl scoffs silently. I take the small notepad with a pen from my aprons pocket and proceed to table 6.
"Hello, welcome to Rosa's Pizzeria, what would you like to order?" I say the usual greeting and lower my gaze from the tiny notepad to the 4 guys sitting before me. 2 of them, which I figured out were Lay and Suho, wore their football team jackets, and the other two sat opposite of them. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were proudly talking about girls they supposedly "wrapped around their fingers". "Oh... its you. Didn't know you worked here, Chanyeol, you should've chosen a better place. I don't want my food to be full of her germs... But I guess this will do, we don't have the time to--" Lay complains as I rolled my eyes and tapped my pen into the notepad. "May I take your order?" Junmyeon was too focused on the window beside him when Baekhyun spoke up "Yeah, we'll have the cheese crust pizza, Italian pasta with Cesar sauce, and uhh-- Guys what do you want to drink?" Chanyeol silently says something to Baekhyun and the black haired male looks at me with his mouth slightly open "--Cola, 4 colas. Please and thank you." he gives me the menus and I walk away with their order a bit messily scribbled on the notepad, I rip IT out and place on the counter in the kitchens. "Hey so do you know those guys?" the girl from before jumps at me again "I ugh... I don't know them but they are from my school, a few are my classmates." "Oh how fun, could you perhaps, sneak in my number for the black haired on by the window?" I nod a bit unsure of how I'm supposed to do it and take the number from her hands. After I served one of the other tables I'm responsible for, I come back to the kitchens where the table 6 Pepsi order was already placed on the table and ready to be taken out. I take the large glasses and take them to their destined table. I approach the 4 guys and place the glasses near each other, taking the wooden tray with me. Suho and Baekhyun said a quick thanks as I left and resumed to discuss between each other. Serving the other table I took one order and came back to the kitchen, only to find table 6 order to be completed. Leaving the new note I take the food in my hands and proceed to carry it to its place.
"Yo yo yo... she's here" one of them says and I can't help but roll my eyes to the back of my skull. Placing the food on the table, I notice that one of them weren't present, specifically, Chanyeol wasn't here. I turn around and spot the tall guy right in front of me but also Kyungsoo beside him. Lay hands a glass of Pepsi to Chanyeol and he takes it. He fake stumbles and I raise a brow. "Oh oh--" he then flips the drink and spills it just above my head.
Seriously, I didn't know what to do. I felt embarrassed but also enraged. He mumbles a "Sorry.." and sits down with Kyungsoo. The shorter one runs a hand through his red hair and looks at his friends with disbelief whilst I stand there. Catching people's attention. My hair dripping with the sticky beverage. "E-excuse me ".
I stumble on my own words. Shit shit shit shit. I return to the kitchen where a few of the waitresses were and all of them look at me wide-eyed. "W-what happened?" the 20-year-old girl says handing me a tissue. I hand the girl the small paper with her phone number on it. She looks at me wide-eyed "Did...did they do this to you because of this?" she wavers the small, a bit damped paper in front of me and I shook my head. "No, but now, if you want, you can have that table." The girl nods slightly and the owner of the restaurant walks in. "Oh dear gosh, what happened? Mandy, get back to work girl." Oh so that's her name... turning to the owner I bow and apologies rush through my mouth as if I just killed the Pope. She only sights and tells one of the coworkers to take over my duties for the rest of my shift. Which was supposed to end in an hour, thanks to that son-of-a-bitch Chanyeol, I have to go through this shit. "Well, what can you do huh, accidents happen, but don't be so clumsy next time girl. Henry will take care of your tables, it's a shame." I apologize once again for the inconvenience and thank the elderly woman for letting me go home and clean myself up.
Going to the employee's room I try to wash my hands up to my elbows and my face. I hate the sticky feeling on my fingers, but try to not put much thought into it. I grab my bag and walk out of the room, into the kitchens, and then to the main area where all the tables were.
Trying to go through the door unnoticed, my damp hair curled up and stuck to either my face or to each other, making me even more irritated that my hair is sticky, and it feels absolutely disgusting against my clothing and my skin. D.O was the first one to catch me going through the staff doors. Quickly glancing to my retreating figure and to Mandy, their now, new waitress for tonight. "Hello, my name's Mandy, and I will be your waitress for the rest of the evening. Glad to have you--" "What happened to the other waitress?" Junmyeon asks glaring a bit at Lay. "She had to leave due to an accident..." Lay shifts a bit in his seat and looks at Chanyeol with a glimpse of..guilt?  "Did she get... fired?" "Ugh... I'm sorry, but I don't know--.". Even though I rushed as fast as I could, I still caught a glimpse of the conversation, can't say I enjoyed the whole situation. I got to get home a bit earlier but I'm also gonna have to deal with them later...

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