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"I'm really sorry," I repeated, probably for the millionth in pure desperation.

"I know," Lucy replied, monotonously.

"Please don't call off the wedding."

"I won't."

"You still love me?"

"Strangely enough, I do."

I sighed, placing my head on her lap. She stiffened under my movements. "But you're still mad at me."

"Why, Luke?" Lucy asked, and I could see the heat rise to her face again. "Not only did you just prove the fact that you don't trust me, but you engaged in violence you know how I feel about violence."

As soon as I lifted my head from her lap she stood up, walking over to our bedroom. I followed, fear and guilt written all over my face. I smiled lightheartedly at her, but she didn't return the gesture which made my heart sink even more.

"Please don't say this insane jealousy of yours is because you love me, because if it is... that's a shitty way to show how much you love me," Lucy sniffled, sitting down on the bed. "You don't trust. Even when I tell you that everything is fine you don't believe me. Zack was my friend and I could've handled it, but now because of you, I lost a friend. How many friends am I going to lose because you think they're going to make a move on me, Luke? Why don't you trust me?"

I saw the tears in her eyes and I completely hated myself for making her cry. I sit down on the bed next to her and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. She flinches from my touch so I remove my hand quickly.

"I trust you, Lucy," I begin, then paused. "Please look into my eyes, my love."

She reluctantly looks at me and says, "You have a funny way of showing me that you do."

"But I do. I trust you with my entire life. I trust you so much that if we were in a burning building and you were right next to the only place to escape, you'd come and save me first before ever leaving me behind," I say, trying to keep my words together. "There's really no excuse for doing what I did. I went crazy. I dressed up like you and destroyed your friendship with a guy who would probably understand why you didn't reciprocate his feelings for you. You don't know how sorry I am."

"Why did you?" she asked. "Why did you get jealous?"

"There's nothing more in the world that I want than to marry you. I guess I was afraid that you could still change your mind, than you can marry some other person than an idiot like me. I was afraid of losing you," I tell her, wiping away the stray tears of his face.

"That's stupid," she deadpanned. "You will never lose me."

"I know," I spoke quietly.

"You still love me?"

"Always, always, always. Do you forgive me?"

"I... I don't know," Lucy says, moving away from me. "I need to think about it."

I could see the smirk that was evident on her lips, but I decided to play along. "I see. I'll let you think, so I'll sleep in the guest room tonight if you want."

She could see the challenge in my eyes, I guess, because I know the one thing she's prominent on is cuddling at night, even when we fight. However she says, "Fine, sweet dreams."

As soon as I closed the door to the guest bedroom, I took out my phone and dialed Ashton's number. He immediately answered, "What do you want?"

"I'm an idiot," I stated right away.

"No shit, what do you want?" he repeated.

"Your help," I say.

Ashton groaned. "Luke, it's nearly midnight. What could you possibly want to do at midnight that would require my assistance? I'm tired?"

"First of all, I know you're not tired because you're on netflix binging on probably some shitty show that you secretly love. Secondly, I don't need your help now. I want to do something for Lucy in the morning," I pointed out.

"And that would be..."

"Just come to Stoney's at about nine-ish with two dozen red roses. I'll be bringing two dozen more."


"Keep your eyes close, love."

"If you trip me Luke, I swear to God..."

"I'm not going to trip you, Lucy, just keep your eyes closed," I told her, placing my hand on her lower back to keep her steady.

Lucy giggled. "Luke, where in the world are you taking me?"

I opened the door to the infamous record shop and led her in, giving a thumbs up to Danny who was putting the finishing touches on the decorations.

"Okay," I whispered into Lucy's ear. "Open them."

She opens her eyes and they widened at the sight around her. Everyone we know and love is gathered in this quaint record shop, which is covered in dozens of red roses. A sign is hung by the ceiling, which spells out I love you is rose petals. Twinkly fairy lights also hangs from the edges of the ceilings as well as the shelves of records.

Lucy brings her hands upon her mouth in shock, giving me a confused look. I watch as Ashton, Michael, and Calum smile in the background as I got down on one knee and took Lucy's hand in mine.

"I know I've already proposed to you, but today, I'm going to do it again," I started. "I will ask you to marry me again and again, even if it gets incredibly annoying, because everyday I'm always going to want to marry you. Everyday I'm always going to wake up and wonder how I got so lucky. Everyday I'm going to fall in love with you, the way your eyes twinkle like the lights in this room and how your heart bleeds love and beauty like the roses around us. Everyday you're always going to be the one that I want, and I will always want to know if you feel the same because, quite frankly, you could do better. But you chose me. And everyday, I'm always going to want to know why. So, Lucy Hemmers, will you marry me?"

"Everyday," Lucy nodded, pulling me closer to her. "And don't call me Lucy Hemmers, when I'm already Lucy Hemmings."

She kisses me and everyone claps around us.

I just fell in love again.


sad 'cause there's 2 parts left :( but happy 'cause I get to work on more stories!!

and you guys! a poem I had written originally for class had recently gotten published in a book!!! whoop!!

I promise there'll be updates, love you guys <3

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