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"I think I'm going to have an anxiety attack."

"Luke, calm down."

"What if she runs away to find someone better? What if she feels sick, and I'm not there to take care of her? What if-"

"Dear Lord Hemmings, shut up," Ashton groaned. "Things are going to be just fine today, okay? If anything, it's your annoying pessimistic ass that's going to ruin your wedding day, honestly."

I glared at him and turned towards Calum and Michael, whom seem to be having an argument of their own.

"Why can't we get married?" Michael says bitterly.

Calum rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. "Because today is not our day, plus, we haven't even talked about marriage until now."

"You don't want to marry me, that's it."

"Oh my God, would you just-"

I started tuning them all out as Ashton began yelling at them as well. In just a few minutes, I will be married to the most beautiful soul I have ever laid my eyes on. I wondered what Lucy was feeling right now; was she freaking out like me, or was she calm and collected? Probably the latter, because she isn't an overthinking doofus who believes that the world is constantly out to get him.

"Good news, man!" Michael suddenly jumps on me, breaking me out of my deep thought.

"What?" I asked him, raising my eyebrow.

"We're starting!"

He pulls me out of the room as my eyes widen, and all of the air in my lungs suddenly cease to exist. I hear the soft sound of the piano begin to play as my parents walk over to me. My mum has tears in her eyes as she pulls me into a tight hug, nearly crushing all of my bones.

"My baby boy is getting married today," she whimpers, pulling away from me. "I can't believe it, you're all grown up..."

"Mum," I groaned, but couldn't help but smile.

My dad grins and places his arm around my mum. "Oh Liz, don't think you're losing your son. We're gaining a daughter."

My mum smiles gratefully, giving my dad a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, love, I feel better now."

I look at them both, in complete admiration. After many years of marriage, they still act like they're in love with each other - well, most likely because they are. Many marriages end in divorce, something I've feared ever since I began thinking about true love and being married. But I look at my parents and somehow, all that fear goes away.

"Mum, dad," I spoke, getting their attention. "Is this what marriage really is like?"

My mum smiles. "Sweetheart, every marriage is different. There is no particular marriage that may be a perfect example for you, but there may be some that can be an inspiration to you. Just focus on your girl, and your happiness with her."

My dad nodded in agreement. "Yes, son, you can't control the future but you can control how you react and what you do about it. You're going to be just fine."

I grinned. "Thanks, guys. I look at you two and I don't feel scared anymore."

It was a beautiful day, really. Our wedding was outside and for a while Lucy feared that it would rain and everything would be ruined, but everything looks perfect. My mum and dad walk beside me down the aisle and I try to ignore the stares from the many, many people who came. Calum and Michael walked down the aisle together as well as Ashton and Bryana. And then it happened.

Lucy, in a gorgeous white wedding dress with her haired curled down and her uncle next to her, walks with the most beautiful smile on her face. I couldn't help the tears that left my eyes, this woman never fails to leave me breathless with just her appearance.

Pretending To Be Lucy Hemmers Where stories live. Discover now