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*Flash Forward to Many Months Later*

"Luke, I'm fine."

"But it's been two days past your due date and-"

"Luke!" Lucy laughed at me. "I told you I'm fine. Being a few days late isn't the worst thing in the world."

I sighed, placing a hand on her bulging stomach. "I just want to see our baby girl though."

Lucy kisses my forehead. "And you'll be seeing her soon. Stop being impatient - I thought I was the pregnant one here."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, fine. I'll stop worrying. Why don't you take your bubble bath now, love? I've got the water running for you."

She grins. "That's sweet of you, thanks babe."

She walks away and my phone rings.

"DID IT HAPPEN YET?!" Michael screams from the other side.

I winced at his loud tone. "No, I told you-"

"Did you try spicy foods? Salad dressing? Sex? You know sex will pop that baby right out," Calum advises anxiously.

I chuckled. "Why are you so concerned?"

"Just looking out for my Goddaughter."

I grinned, and spoke calmly, "That's sweet, Cal. But I think we're going to let things happen naturally, and if it doesn't then we'll just-"

"LUKE!" I hear Lucy scream from the bathroom.

"OH MY GOODNESS THAT WAS LUCY I HAVE TO GO!" I shouted, the calmness completely dissolving away.

"I hear screaming!" Michael says. "It must be time!"

I hang up the phone and run towards where Lucy is. "Love, is it time?"

Lucy sits in the bathtub, a serene look on her face. "No."

I raised my eyebrow. "Then why did you call me?"

"I was lonely."

I sighed in relief and sat on the toilet, next to the bathtub. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"And you got me pregnant, I think it's a fair trade," she smirks.

Lucy then lets out a yawn, and I asked, "Tired?"

She nodded, "You know, waiting around for a baby is quite exhausting."

I helped her out of the tub, and gave her my t-shirt to wear. "Then lets get to bed, darling."

We sit on the bed and cuddled, my hand grazing over her large belly. I am just so desperate to hold the beautiful life we've created in my arms, and see her bright eyes slowly open to look at the world for the first time.

"Do you think she'll love me?" I asked.


"Our daughter," I said. "What if... what if she doesn't like me?"

Lucy shakes her head. "Luke, she's going to adore you. You wanna know why? Because I do."

I smiled, and leaned down to kiss her stomach. "Perhaps if I sang a song she'll be anxious to meet me?"

"Perhaps she will."

I cleared my throat. "When I close my eyes and try to sleep I fall apart I'm fighting hard to breathe, you're the reason the only reason..."

Pretending To Be Lucy Hemmers Where stories live. Discover now