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- Taehyungs pov -

Another day at school, I walk to my locker and collect my things for my next class...

"V!!" i lift my head and smile to see...

" Oh Suga!" He head locks me and ruffles my head which kind of hurt so I push off a bit and fix my hair while death glaring him...

"Yah you know how long it took me to do my hair?!"

"Woah chill man, anyways did you here about the new student?" I stopped fixing my hair.

"A new student???"

"Yeah his name is Jeon Hoseok, I think" Jeon...

"What class is he in?"

"His in class A- oh wait his in the same class as you"

"Oh re-really" A Jeon, my uncle told me about them and how he used to d-

"Yah, v your spacing out again" I snapped back into reality

"Oh sorry, I'll just go to class... See ya"

"You ok Tae"

"Yeah I'm fine" I say and head towards the classroom.... If his really a Jeon then I really need to talk to him...


"Park Taehyung"

"Here" I say

"Ok that's every- actually no wait sorry... Everyone we have a new student" the new student walks in and I guessing that-

"This is Jeon Hoseok everyone... Hoseok would you like to introduce yourself" when the teacher asked he looked unamused and just nodded to the teacher.

"Hello, as you all know I'm Hoseok, please take care of me... Well not that I need to be taken care" he then walks straight towards the vacant spot that was next to me which was at the very back of the classroom. So this is the son of my uncles boyfriend, he doesn't really look like him compared to his father when I saw him in some photos but he sure does have the same attitude like his father... Cold. That's until my uncle joined this dance group that he was in...

"Can you quit staring at me" I widened my eyes... Damnit why did I stare for so long. Pabo Taehyung! I curse in my head and look straight towards the board...

- Hoseoks Pov -

Why did my selfish dad bring me to this school... I wish I was back in America but no, he chose to come back to his home town... For his business stuff there... Bullshit! He just wants to find his high school lover his name was Park, Park something... Anyways after he finds him his just gonna leave me behind just like what he did to mum...


"Wait, what do you mean... We're going to Korea!?" I yell

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me... We're going to Korea because I need to settle some business issues..."

"And how long are we going to stay there exactly?"

"Couple of months or even for a year"

"Couple of months!? I'm not going..."

"Yes you are"

"I'm not going, you know what sometimes I feel like you just want to go to Korea to find that piece of garbage" I spit out and he had fire in his eyes but the looks of how he had his hand raised he was going to hit me but he never did... I hear him sigh and step back...

"We'll be going first thing tomorrow the maids have your things already packed and ready, get some rest" he says and leaves.

End of flashback

Then I started to fill strange, I felt like someone was watching me... I turn to see a brown haired boy look at me... What's his problem??

"Can you quit staring at me?" His eye widen and he looks straight towards the board... Tsk, so weird...

Fast forward

I come home and open the door seeing a small suitcase and on the table I see a plane ticket. I hear footsteps coming my way and see my da- I mean I see hi. Coming towards me fixing his jacket.

"Where are you going?" I ask

"I need to go to a business meeting in Japan but only for a few days, don't worry I'll be back before you know it"

"I never worry about you so why would you expect me to worry about you now?" I say but he just shakes his head and comes towards me... He then does something I never expected... He hugs me

"I love you son" I just stand there and never return the hug and don't even say anything. He just lets go and walks passed me and closes the door.... I clench my fist and mutter to myself...

"Never come back"

A/n:Ayo long time no write... Actually it's been a couple of days but I just can't take it you know? So how do you think the stories going so far? Now you might be wondering... Hey isn't this supposed to be a Jikook story? Well my answer to you is yes it is a Jikook story but it hasn't come up just yet...

Anyways, if your new to my FF well then HELLO and if you have read my FF I say HELLO... As always Jikook is life and till next time bye bye - JamsKookieSuga ❤️

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