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- Taehyung Pov -

I stretch out on my bed as I let out a loud yawn... I rub my tired eyes and slowly sit up as the rays of the sun hit my face. It almost blinded me since I accidentally stared outside the window. I look at the clock and it was-

"9:30 IM GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" I quickly jump off my bed and hit my shoulder on every single wall I see since I was still asleep but pained at the same time, when I find the bathroom I close the door immediately and do my business then brush my teeth when I looked in the mirror I screamed...

"Wah... So this is how I look like when I wake up??" I fix my self up then leave rushing to my bedroom again but found myself stopping when I feel I tight grip behind my boxers. I turn around and see it's my uncle...

"Oh uncle Ji what are you doing here?" He slaps the back of my head and shakes his head

"I live here, by the way why are you in a rush for??"

"I-I have school" he starts laughing at me showing me his eye smile and I just stand there confused...

"Why are you laughing??" I ask

"Oh my poor nephew, it's school break" and that's when my eyes widen even more... Oh shit... IM MEETING UP WITH HOSEOK!!! I run as fast as I can into my bedroom and changed into casual clothes while a Jimin just looked at me dumbfounded but headed towards the kitchen to make breakfast....

"So how do I look?" I ask him as I go into the kitchen

"Why are you going on a date or something??"

"N-no it's just that I'm meeting up with someone..." I blush a s I look down

"Sure and who is it?" He grins

"Hoseok" I say

"Ok then... Come on now breakfast I-" before he can finish his sentence he started to cough really badly and he clenched his chest... I rushed right over to him and made him sit on the chair. I quickly went to go get water and pills to give it to him but he gently grabs my hand and makes me put down the glass on the table and gives me the warmest smile...

"It doesn't matter anyway... I'll be fine" he says and I just look at him with pleading eyes to take the pills so it can help him but he doesn't... He stopped using it after we went to the hospital to get him checked up... When he went into the doctors room and then came back out after a few minutes he said he was alright with the warmest smile he can pull off but I didn't believe him, although the following days he didn't show any signs of worry or sadness not even a speck of dust... I lower the pills but I ask him to just drink the water and he does which made me feel a bit better... After that we ate breakfast and I did the dishes after as he lies down and rests... I then leave a note to him saying-

Dear Jiminnie,
I'll be back soon ok just make sure you
Rest and drink plenty of water...

Love tae (your awesome nephew)

I smile reading the note then leave slowly closing the door making sure it wasn't loud enough to wake him up... I look at my watch and it's already 10:30 am I power walk to the school and see Hoseok is there waiting for me...

"Aish where is this kid" I skilfully sneak attack him and he jumps making me laugh a bit but then stop right away when he was death glaring me... "Ahah sorry hyung" I say rubbing the back of my neck. He just sighs and rolls his eyes...

"Come on, you gotta a lot of talking to do..."

"Ok so... This is the exact same school that my uncle, your father and mother went to..."

"Ok so..."

"Your mother and father dated first until one day your mother broke up with your father... Your father was so upset a bout it until one day he had an idea..."

A/n: get ready because this is where the magic of Jikook actually begins ;)

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