EPISODE 5 (Fallout)

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Episode 5 was not over yet....

Bobby Roode was carrying Austin Aries to the Medical Room while Lola was worrying about his well being when suddenly, there stood Vampiro and Lucy.


Lola started screaming and charged at them when suddenly the lights blinked for a moment and Vampiro and Lucy were gone and Lola crashed onto the box that was behind where Vampiro and Lucy were standing.

Lola rubbed her head and looked at Roode and Aries in confusion then continue to the Medical Room.


Lucy was back on again but this time she was facing away from the camera.

Lucy: This is what I've been warning you all about. Take this notice as the last. The Day... Of Judgement... will rise.

Vampiro, Judas Mesias and Raven then shove the cameraman out the door of the dark secluded room and Raven shuts the door.


I'm in my office waiting for AJ Styles to arrive. Then a knock on my door was heard.

In comes AJ Styles.

AJ: Ya wanted to see me Chard?

Me: yes. it's about the challenge Sasha made in episode 2.

AJ: what!? You're not really gonna make this happen aren't ya!?

Me: Yes i am. For far too long you kept silent! So, episode 6, It's gonna happen weather you like it or not!

Styles then storms out of my office and I resume my work.


Lana and The Dudleys were chilling in the catering area when Lana saw Hugh and Jack Gallagher talking to each other

"Buh.... Buh.... Buh...." was all she could say.

Bubba Ray: who are you looking at?

D-Von: She's probably looking at Hugh.

Bubba Ray: Oh... Looks like a Dudley is looking for love...

Lana wasn't paying any attention to the Dudleys she kept looking at Hugh when suddenly, Jack snapped her out of it.

Jack: Are you looking at my friend?

Lana snaps out of it.

Lana: huh?

Jack: Do you have any idea your were ogling at my friend?

Lana: No?

Hugh: All is fine. I've had that happened before.

Lana then ran out of the catering area and The Dudleys go after her.

Hugh and Jack just simply looked on in complete confusion but continued on what they were doing.


A/N- That's the fallout of ep.5 now to go to the big event: The Royalist Rumble! see you all there and as always, Good day or Good night wherever you are :)

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