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Let's see if this brand can top off Shockwave...

Back inside BC Place where the opening pyro blasts.

Then the camera pans around to view the hyped crowd as Mike Tenay speaks.

Mike Tenay: LISTEN TO THIS CROWD! IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS! Hello everyone, welcome to LWF Nitro! I'm Mike Tenay, and alongside me is Don West, and VGW's Brad Johnson!

Brad Johnson: Thanks for the introduction, and man! I didn't think it could get THIS wild in here!

Don West: It's LWF. What did you expect?

Mike Tenay: Exactly. Now let's head to ringside for some opening action.

(OPENING MATCH: J_Maverick_15 vs. Vlad Sinnsyk)

Gold pyro rains down on the stage as out comes Justin Maverick in a sparkly robe, with Big Cass, JD Maverick, and The Network behind him.

Justin Maverick then spreads out his arms, and money began to rain down.

*Bell Rings*

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by The Mega Industry, from Orlando, Florida, weighing in at 207 pounds, JUSTIN MAVERICK!!!

Mike Tenay: And let's give a warm welcome back to the returning Justin Maverick!

Don West: Hopefully ring rust doesn't affect him here, he's going up against one half of The Deadly Sinns, and yes I'm talking about The Hand Of Judgement, Vlad Sinnsyk!

Brad Johnson: Well look how confident Maverick looks! He doesn't seem worried.

Mike Tenay: It's Vlad Sinnsyk, Brad. That confidence can easily change.

Justin Maverick takes off his robe.

Vlad Sinnsyk makes his way to the ring, then he rips off his mask, and looks at Maverick with crazy eyes.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Cell Block 9-D, weighing in at 190 pounds, The Hand Of Judgement, VLAD SINNSYK!!!!!

Don West: I'll tell you this much, Mike, no one will ever know what goes on inside that man's head!

Mike Tenay: Can't put it any better myself!

Brad Johnson: From what I know, this guy is the PWR All-Out War Champion, and will do just about anything to win.

Vlad Sinnsyk enters the ring, and Sinnsyk sits in the corner.

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