Episode 6 (Fallout)

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Zack Ryder and The REAL Superheroes were walking back to the Locker rooms when Renee Young interviews them.

Renee: Zack Ryder, you shocked the entire LWF universe when you came to The REAL Superheroes' aid. Can you explain why?

Zack: Well why won't I? That's the real question. These guys would've been toast if I didn't come in. Also, The Dark Side, they've only been here for what, 24 hours? Me, and The REAL Superheroes are gonna make sure, they don't even get to do whatever they plan on doing! Woo... Woo... Woo. You Know It.

Hurricane: You Know, thanks to your bravery, why don't you join us? You could make great potential as a He-BRO!

Zack: Sure thing!

They then put their hands in the center, "HEROES UNITED!" They shout. "YOU KNOW IT!" Zack shouts.


In my office, I was talking with Zema Ion and TJ Perkins, when Adam Garcia came charging in.


Me: One, how dare you charge into my office like that, Two, it was a rise... of a Republic. Now if you don't wanna get hurt, get the hell out of my office.

Adam didn't leave. He attacked Ion, then Perkins grabs him, and hammers away on him.

Me: I told you so.

Ion and Perkins then drag him out of my office, and shuts the door.


In the Locker room, Hugh and Jack Gallagher recovered from the attack from The Dark Side.

Hugh: I don't understand those guys.

Jack: Now Hugh, I'm just as angry as you are, but we have to behave ourselves, because The Queen might be watching.

Hugh: Ok ok... how about we challenge them to a match?

Jack: HUGH! ARE YOU NUTS!? There are 5 of them, and 2 of us! Tell me how we'll fair with that?

Hugh sat there, silent, thought it through, and realized it was a stupid idea.

Hugh: Oh. You're right. That is pretty stupid of me.

Jack: It's alright. I understand why you wanted that fight.

Outside the Locker room, The Dark Side had eavesdropped on them.

"A fight he wants..." Lana says.

"A fight he gets." Lola finishes the sentence.


A/N: Yo! There's the ep.6 fallout.

Uh oh... looks like The Dark Side are planning something... what's gonna happen? Stay tuned for ep.7 and as always, Good Day, or Good Night. Wherever you are ;)

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