Chapter Eight

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The deep blue water clouded my vision as my body submerged underneath the thin surface. My nerves attacked in full force at the sound of Pan's voice and my thoughts were at war. Should I resurface, letting my secret reveal itself and risk exposure? Or should I try to swim away fast enough to evade his magic?

I was at a crossroads, unable to decide what to do and where to go. But that's not how it worked. That's not how it ever worked. You don't choose your fate, Fate chooses for you.

Then, the rough grip of a strong hand grabbed my left arm, its long fingers wrapping around my small bicep, and lifted my transformed body out of the ocean.

"What the hell were you thinking, _____?" Pan's exasperated voice shook the earth as he practically screamed at me. But his lecture was cut short when his eyes met with my bottom half.

I looked away in shame. I felt guilt, though I knew I shouldn't. Maybe all those years of beatings input thoughts of inferiority into my brain.

I glanced down at my absent legs, now replaced with a wide four foot long anatomy glistening with luminescent turquoise scales similar to my mother's. As the sun began to set, the reflection of the moon upon my tail gave a glowing illusion, making me feel even more self-conscious.

I never liked having a tail, ever. It always made me feel different, like a freak. I'm not like other princesses and everyone knows it. I'd much rather be a normal teenager. Spending my years sneaking out of the palace or getting into arguments with Mother, then making up the next day. My life would be so much simpler if I didn't have two kingdoms relying on my success. Especially when my family has a fifty percent failure rate.

I raised my head and met with his forest green eyes, which were now fuming with anger and betrayal.

"Care to explain?" he sneered as he squinted his eyes in irritation.

Not really, but it wasn't like I had a choice. What would I even say? I was hopeless.

The truth was that I was afraid. Afraid of what he would do to me if he ever discovered my magic. The light was all I had only ever known, never of the dark. I was afraid that he would rip my heart out like he did to my sister-- my own flesh and blood--, and I was never told as to why she was killed in the first place, giving him a terrifying ambience.

The emotion in his eyes flickered from anger to sympathy, but only for a second. He shook his head in utter disappointment before making eye contact with me once more. A frown had replaced his angry scowl, and remorse and regret stroke my sinful conscience.

I don't know what it was, but something about his disapproval made me feel like a convicted suspect readying for their time in jail. Something about his displeasure killed me inside and filled my body with disgrace. And what I hated most was that I had no clue what it was. Since when did I care what he thought; but better yet, since when did he care about me? To feel unsatisfactory and treachery when someone doesn't tell you something, don't you need to care in the first place?

Whatever. It didn't matter. Did it?

"I'm sorry," I said in defeat. "But in all fairness, you didn't ask." Something about his persona sent adrenaline rushing through my veins. With him, I always had a newly found courage that was discovered and savored from deep in my bones.

He let out a low growl before countering, taking as much time as he needed to organize his response.

It took hours before I dried enough for my legs to return. Pan's nor my magic could counteract that type of curse.

The darkening sky caught his attention as his hardened gaze trailed north.

"It's getting late. We should go," he paused and narrowed his eyes at me teasingly. "Fish."

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