Chapter Nine

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My dreamless sleep was interrupted by the bright rays of Helios through the east window. Although I was awake, my eyelids remained shut as I welcomed the unexpected warmth beside me. My temples ached from the hard surface underneath, and I groggily lifted my head.

I heard a muffled groan from somewhere next to me as two long objects surrounded my torso and pulled me against what felt like a smoothed rock. As much as I would have loved to stay there all day, I couldn't. I had to get up and find Baelfire.

I slowly opened my eyes, allowing my pupils to adjust to the difference in light. Another groan was heard and, this time, I searched for its source. Glancing down at my stomach, I noticed a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist. I squirmed around mindlessly, instantly regretting my action when I became face to face with the world's most dangerous predator.


My breath hitched in my throat, and I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. He looked so peaceful sleeping. His long, thick eyelashes cast shadows upon his cheekbones and clenched muscles revealed a well-defined jaw.

I didn't realize how harmless he could be. He just looked so helpless and vulnerable while unconscious. A part of me felt guilt for believing he was a monster. Pan has a demon. We all do. But Pan's was trapped inside his very soul, unable to escape, so it had resorted to fighting for control. And it won.

I glanced up once more, only to find him staring at me. Little emotion lay present in his eyes. But there was so much experience hidden in his beautiful green irises. So much history behind his solid mask.

As he analyzed me, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was trying to decipher a cryptic message. As if I was a locked safe and he never knew the combination. He gazed at me, confusion beginning to become evident on his features. Pan growled out of frustration and his neutral smile transformed into a repulsive frown. Something about me dazed him. Something about me perplexed him. And he hated it.

"What?" I asked innocently. What did I do to make you hate me? was what I really wanted to know.


Pan didn't say anything in response. He just glared at me one last time before scowling in disgust and removing himself from beside me, leaving my consciousness aching for his heat. It was seemingly always cold and windy on Neverland.

Once he got up, his full body on display, I realized that he wasn't wearing any cloth to cover his chest. As he reached for a shirt, I couldn't rip my attention away from his abdomen.

He lifted his arms through the sleeves and brought the collar over his head, stretching his stomach and flexing his back muscles. I would be lying if I said it wasn't extremely attractive. But of course he was fit, he lives on a murderous island where your chance of survival relies on your own evolution and ability adapt to your surroundings. He can probably climb a tree in less that a second.

"Let's go," Pan demanded. "The boys are awaiting orders."

"Oh, so now you're talking to me? How nice of you," I sneered back, placing my hand on my hip, making him aware of my irritation with him and his bipolar personality.

Pan peered my way before immediately breaking any eye contact, his eyes almost containing a trace of sorrow. He opened his mouth to speak, but slowly shut it before exiting the tent. I followed.

As soon as I felt the morning air against my face, I smiled. I spotted Pan conversing with Felix, not regarding any of the other lost boys who were sharpening their weapons.

Before I could take another step, my wrist was grabbed and body dragged behind a nearby bush, and, of course, I fell down onto the dirt-laced earth. I tried to shout, to let anyone know that I could have possibly just been kidnapped, but their cold and grimy hand covered my mouth, muting my yelps for help. I inspected my abductor and inhaled his familiarity.

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