Shady Situations

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I sit in Chyna's hospital room, thinking.

[Flashback Seven Years]

In my father's living room, my mom is crouching down, holding my hands, and looking up in my eyes.

"Mom, come on, you can't leave me," I whine, looking down at her.

"Corahn, please, you know this is already hard enough for me," she looks away, hoping I don't see the tear fall from her eye.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "But I have to protect you...and Chyna."

She puts her hand over mine. "Corahn, I'm fine. Right now, I'm the only one who needs to be worried about me and your sister. There's no need for you to stress yourself over that."

"But why do I have to leave?" I ask, her, trying my hardest to change her mind.

"Corahn, we've been through this already, I don't know when Bryan is getting out. He might come looking for us and I don't want him to come after you."

"I'll be fine, I protected us before when he was hurting Chyna. I can do it again."

She puts a hand on my cheek, "That's what I'm afraid of. You're only 12 years old, Corahn, you can't keep fighting that man and expecting to win." There is a silence, she aprubtly wipes her tears, getting herself together. "Listen Corahn, I need you to promise me something. Promise me you'll always protect yourself and when I come back for you---" she pauses and swallows hard, "promise me you'll protect your sister."

I nod. "I promise. I'll always look out for her." She stands up and turns to leave, "Mom," I stop her. She turns back around and returns to her crouching position, looking up at me. "Now you have to promise me something."

"And what's that?" She asks, trying to seem happy.

"Promise that you'll really come back for me." I say, my eyes filling up with tears.

"I'll be back...I promise." She smiles.

She pulls me into a hug. She hugs me tight, and I do the same, never wanting to let go.

One year later...

On the phone...

"Are you having fun with your dad?"

"Yeah." I reply.

"That's good."

"Mom...when are you coming to get me?"

She says nothing.

"Mom...?" I want her so badly to say tonight or tomorrow, anytime that's close to now.

"Soon, Corahn, I'm coming to get you real soon."

Times passes. She never shows, I remain hopeful. Once I turn 16, I realize she isn't coming back for me.

[End of Flashback]

I'm 19 years old now! It's been SEVEN YEARS! Why didn't she ever come back? Why did she have to lie? The least she could've done was tell me the truth. Why did she have to make me believe she would really come back for me? She filled me with false hope. Did she love Chyna more all along? Did she ever love me at all? I wanna hate Chyna so bad, but I can't. She's my little sister and she's been through a lot. After all, I made a promise.

"Chyna," I say. She jumps in her sleep. "Chyna, wake up." She sits up.

"You okay?"

She nods. Her nose is broken and she has bruising all over. She is going to be sore for a little while from the rape and she may have migraines here and there for a little while.

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