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    Robin and Briyah stop by the house to check on me, Robin has been looking out for me since what happened with Chris. I'm not sure why Briyah is here.

    "Briyah, can I ask you something? Why you bein' so nice? You didn't come here to kill me or anything, did you? 'Cause if you did, just let me know now," I say, trying to lighten up the situation and trying to figure out why she's here.

    Her face is serious, "Chyna, I really need to talk to you. As weird as that may seem, I do. I know you probably thought I didn't like you at first but that's not the case at all so....Robz, can you give us a minute?"

     "Sure..." Robin says, she gets up to leave.

     "Robin, you don't have to go," I tell her, "we can just go up in my room." Briyah and I go upstairs to my room and she sits on my bed to talk.

    "So wassup?" I ask, closing the door and flopping down on the bed.

    "I wanna start by telling you that I'm so sorry that my sister put you in that situation, I had no idea she would do you like that, especially because you were new and everything but of course, I didn't expect her to do it to me either and she did."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have brought that up, this is about me apologizing to you, you didn't deserve to be mixed up in Aaliyah's bullshit."

    "No, Briyah. It's obvious something's bothering so go ahead, you can tell me."

    "Well, when we were 16, Aaliyah got in a fight with our got really bad and she just walked out of the house. I followed her, trying to calm her down and bring her back in. This used to happen all the time and that's what I always did so I thought everything would be okay. That time I was wrong. Me and Aaliyah ended up getting in our car and we left. We haven't been back in 3 years.

   Our parents are the type of people who just do for people for the pure satisfaction of just making other people happy. They were literally perfect for each other because that's how they both were. Our mom always did everything for us and our dad just worked and worked and worked to give us three any and everything we could possibly want. That was his happiness: making us happy, ya'know?

    Well Aaliyah felt like they didn't respect the fact that we were growing up and could do for ourselves so when we left, more than anything, it was to prove a point. I think at that time, we both wanted it but Aaliyah wanted it so much more, she kinda sped up the process and the time to assert our independence came before it was supposed to. I basically just went with it. Survival and each other was all we had. I wanted to be a model and own a company, I wanted to have an assistant who I could say 'bring me this file or that file' to. I wanted to be able to buy things for myself, to have a house and car and everything else and be able to say I bought it. Aaliyah wanted to be a photographer and a clothing designer. We both wanted to convince our parents that we could make it on our own, but after about two months, we didn't know who we were tryna convince anymore: ourselves or them.

    We both had our little jobs but we were still living out of our car. When one of us worked, the other would take the car and try to figure out the next move. One day, I went to work and Aaliyah was like 'you keep the car, imma get out here and figure this shit out, we can't live like this forever.' So there she was: no car, catching buses to nowhere and walking everywhere. She calls me about a week later, telling me she met this guy, he had just gotten out of jail, said he had been married before but it ended badly. He never told us too much about his life except for the fact that he had been on his own too and he told us how much he 'understood' us. 

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