Chapter 10

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(A.N.)~Hiiii so i hope you like it so far. If you see this pleaseeeee tweet and spread the word about this fic it would mean a WHOLE lot me thanks!

It's Saturday. Realizing I won't see Harry for a few days really bothers me. I still can't come to a conclusion as to why I care about him so much. I've shut everyone out of my life and I don't care about people anymore...but why is he an exception? The clock reads 9:24am and I lie in bed wondering why on a Saturday I'm already awake at this time. I lean over to check my phone and there's a message from Harry. My heart starts to speed up its pace as I unlock my phone and read his message.

How bout we try that Starbucks date again? This afternoon at 2pm? See you there xx

I read his message in his husky, deep british accent and end it with an image of his smirk in my mind. I smile every time I read the word date. He considers this a date? Or does he just mean it like a date as in "hangout"? I over think too much.

Since I'm so awake I get out of bed and go downstairs for breakfast. My mom is making pancakes again. My mind takes me back to the last time I had them which was the morning my dad died.

"I see you made pancakes. Lily those are your favorite, right?"

The words of my dad from that morning ring in my head. I get a slight pain in my chest from the remembrance of that but brush it off.
I get too much pain to let that bother me.

"These smell so good."

"Thanks sweetie!"

Hearing my mom happy for once makes me overcome with joy. It is such a nice change and I think things will be better now.

"Mom, before you get mad about me leaving tonight and you not knowing, I'm going on a uhh-date."

She looks up from the pancake batter she just poured on the griddle. Her eyes big and smile wide. Her focus is on me now.

"Date, huh? With who?"

"Oh you don't know him...he's kind of student?" I wasn't quite sure how to put it but I guess that's the way to go.

"Well I need to meet this guy soon! How long have you been dating?"

"Woah woah mom slow down! Haha we aren't dating!"

My mom pours more pancake mix on to the griddle and smiles at my words. Her smile brightens up my day so much. Amazing how bones stuck in a hole in your face can bring happiness!

"Well I hope you have fun and be careful!"

"I will mom don't worry!"

I turn to go back upstairs and leave the kitchen but her question catches me.

"What's his name?"

A smile spreads across my face as I think about his features and perfectness. Im beginning to really miss being in his presence. He makes me wish second period was longer.

"Harry. Harry Styles." I reply, smiling back at her.

"Ooohh, well all I can say is use protection!"


We both kind of laughed and I went back upstairs.

1:30pm rolled around and I was already ready to go out and see him. I was so excited but incredibly nervous. Why? I basically know nothing about this boy. Why is he giving me feelings like this?

My phone starts to ring and it startles me. It broke the silence in my room and I wasn't expecting it. I look at the caller id and it says Harry's name. What could he possibly want right now before we go see each other on a coffee date?

"Hey!" I say, probably too overly happy.

"Lily we have a problem." There was uncertainty in his voice. He sounded uneasy.

"What do you mean there's a problem?"

"I don't want to say this but I-I can't make it to Starbucks again I'm terribly sorry!"

His voice was still so calm but uneasy. My heart began to sink. My hopes of seeing him are gone. This is the second time. My mind begins to make me worry if everything is alright.

"Harry are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Something came up...again..."

There was a moment of silence between us like we both didn't know what to say. Will we ever get to hang out?

"Ok. That's fine. I understand. Maybe another time?" My voice had an upset tone, letting him know I was let down.

"Yeah. I gotta go Lily!" He hung up immediately.

I didn't even have time to say goodbye. What is going on? What keeps coming up that I can't ever hang out with him? Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? No. It can't be. I'm not doing anything wrong. I wanted to start crying cause nothing goes as planned in my life and I'm sick of it but I hold back my tears.


I decided to go do a little bit of shopping for myself since my plans with Harry got canceled. I thought it would take my mind off things and make me forget about this silly guy.

As I drive down Gatz Street, I pass by the old dilapidated warehouse. I want to know so much about it but I don't know where to get information about it from. It hit me. The library.

I made my way downtown and parked my car in the parking lot of the local library. Shocks me that people still go here in this day and age with the technology we have.

I walk inside and ask the lady to direct me to the section about history. I find a book about our city's history and i come across a picture of a warehouse from 1930. The caption underneath it reads:

Gatz Street Medicinal Warehouse, March 24th, 1930

So Nick was right? It is used for medicine. I continue to read on about the history of it when I come across something valuable.

"Shut down in 1945 due to contamination of medicine and illegal use."

It was only open for 15 years? That's a short amount of time. I begin to wonder what it meant by illegal use. Were they making drugs in there that weren't legal? Was the government against it?

I read further and further until I cam across something even more shocking. It stated that the warehouse was raided in 1945 before it was shut down and that things were found in there that's couldn't be talked about publicly.

This started to worry me. What did they find? It must be something major if they couldn't talk about it privately. What if it is harmful to our community? Ineeded to find out more information but I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and it startled me. I jumped and slowly turned around and my eyes widened.

It was Nick.

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