Chapter 34

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Grey walls surround me. A gate with bars on it keeps me in this depressing place. I wake up to find myself in a place I don't recognize. It is a place that is cold and dark. I lie on a hard, steel bed next to the wall with a thin mattress on it to give me some comfort but I feel nothing. My body aches all over. The atmosphere was chilling. I was cold and started to shiver. There's a small toilet in the corner of the little cell that I'm contained in. A sink is next to it as well. The pale grey walls are dirty. They tell stories but something tells me I don't want to know those stories. There's scratches and markings all over them, showing that this cell has had an eventful past.

I'm still not sure as to where I am. I sit on the steel bed and try to figure it all out. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming down a long hall, echoing off the walls. A man arrives at my cell. Standing around six feet tall with dark hair, dark eyes, and built like he would be a wrestler. In his hands he holds handcuffs. I'm still not aware of everything or understanding much until I witness Nick walk up next to the man.

Then it hit me.

I'm in the warehouse. I've been taken captive by Nick.

The tall man started to unlock my cell door and Nick directs me to come. I stand up and obey, afraid of what would happen if I didn't respect his authority. The man's big body grabs my small, petite and fragile self and jerks me out from the dark cell. Handcuffs are whipped quickly around my wrists.

"Where am I? What's going on?" I panic.

Then I hear a voice. A voice that hasn't been heard in ages but I immediately recognize it. It's a voice I could recognize anywhere at any time.


"Lily? Lily are you there?" I could hear great fear in his small voice. He was in distress.

"Jackson? JACKSON!" I scream as loud as I could hoping he would hear but it doesn't seem to help.

"Lily, Lily help! Where are you?" Jackson starts to yell louder. His voice echoes throughout the empty hall of cells.

"Jackson, I'm right here!"

"Shut up!" Nick's hand meets my cheek. I could feel it getting hot and red. It stings with great pain and I let tears pour out.

"What's happening?! Someone help! Help!" I felt as if my screams were doing no good and they weren't. They are muffled.

"Harry! Harry, help!" I'm yelling at the top of my lungs as Nick and this monster of a man drag me down the dim corridor. I look in each cell that we pass but Jackson is nowhere to be seen.

"Lily! Help!" I can still hear his screams but he is nowhere to be found. Each cell is empty.

"Harry, help me! Come save me again! Where are you?!"

"Oh don't worry, we took good care of Harry for you. He's, let's just say, 'uninhabited'." Nick laughs a deep, evil laugh. I know this means that Harry is dead. There's no saving him. There is nothing I can do.

"No, NO! What have you done to him?! SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE ME!" My voice feels like it is about to give out. I try my best to fight back and get out of this strong man's grip but it's no use. My body becomes more weak by the second. My arms feel numb as the man holds me tight, almost cutting off circulation; my legs feel like jello, it is beyond hard for me to stand.

"Control her!" The man demands. His voice was terrifying and evil. I saw Nick reach in to his pocket and I see him pull out something.

Thats when the needle entered my neck at a strong force and I blacked out.

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