Chapter 18

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(A.N.)~OK so i realized there could be a "theme song" for this fic! Look up "Me Without You" by some guy named Loick Essien it legit fits this:) AND IT IS SUCH A CUTE SONG

Waking up gets harder and harder every day. The feelings in the morning that I get are never the same. I'm usually filled with happiness right when I wake up; that happiness has dwindled away and has now become depression. I never check my phone like I used to, hoping he would have texted me. Harry specifically told me we wouldn't keep in contact so why bother...why get worried about something that's not going to happen. It felt like a part of me was missing; there really was. My joy was drained from me and that's why my heart is aching. There was a spot in my heart that had a hole and it needed to be filled. The only person who could fill that was Harry.

I hadn't spoken to Harry in two months. This was a new record. I had some hope for a week, after he told me what happened that day while we were standing in the office, that he would give in and talk to me again. I was so wrong. I had to somehow wrap my mind around what had really happened but I just couldn't.

I only have one person left in my life that I haven't lost yet...someone who still cares about me...and that's my mom. She always tries to cheer me up and comfort me but I just end up crying in her arms. She told me that back in high school she had a major heart break and couldn't barely cope for a long time. My mom is always there for me and always will be.

Second period isn't the same. The desk that Harry used to sit in next to me is now taken. Cody Sanders now occupies that seat. I hate that kid. I never have talked to him and ever since Harry left, he sat in his seat like he owned it or something. I don't want to talk to whoever is in that seat unless it's Harry.

"Hey Lily!"

Cody is so jubilant but I just ignore that.

"Uhm, are you gonna talk to me Lily?"

"Leave me alone." I don't have time for him and never will. Why the hell does he want to start talking to me all the sudden?

"Why? Come on! Don't be that waaay!"

"Cody, I'm begging you. Leave me alone!"

"Fine! Jeez Lily. What did I ever do to you?" He seemed so puzzled and confused but I could give less of a shit. I looked over at him and he looked at me.

"Why did you decide to sit here after Harry left?"

"Oh will you quit talking about Harry! He's gone! And why does it matter if I sit here? I just wanna get to know you Lily." He reached his hand over and placed it on mine. I pulled away quickly. I didn't want affection from
anyone anymore.

"I don't care if Harry's gone, I can still talk about him!"

"God, Lily, you're like obsessed with him!"

I was so angry at him and what he was saying. Cody needs to shut up before I slap my hand across his pale face.

"Don't we have assigned seats?"

"N-no?" Cody's eyebrows furrow.

"Well I should tell Mr. Norton that we should so I don't have to sit by you!"

Cody's mouth dropped open. He finally got the point and turned to face the front of the classroom. Thank the lord he shut up...I didn't know when he would!

The clock eventually hit 12:30pm and it was time for lunch. I felt bold again and went and sat in the corner again in the lunchroom as usual. I was hoping since it is my first day back in the cafeteria that Kayden wouldn't mess with me. I pulled my sandwich out and started to eat it but the wicked witch came over to me.

"Lily. Look at me."

I was frightened. I didn't want to look at that nasty bitch. I could basically say she's the reason Harry is gone. If she hadn't have started threatening me, Harry wouldn't have been angered...but I also didn't stop Harry. I looked up at Kayden while chewing my food.

"Lily. I think I owe you an apology."

She seemed so sincere. What if she was lying and I fell for it and she did something horrible to me again in front of everyone? I looked down at my sandwich and thought for a brief moment. I guess I'll see where this goes.

"What do you mean? What do you want from me Kayden?"

"What do I want? I don't want anything...I've already gotten enough."

"What if you're lying? How do I know you're telling me the truth?"

Kayden held up a finger.


She got up on a chair at the table and got everyone's attention. People'e conversations stopped and they all looked at Kayden and I.

"Attention everyone, I have something to say. I feel bad for never saying this but-"

I knew this wasn't good where it was going. Her tone now was different than when she talked to me.

"Lily Hardwell is hooking up with my boyfriend, Cody!"

Boyfriend? THAT'S HER BOYFRIEND? I never knew this but I also didn't keep up with everyone and the relationships at school. What does she think she's doing? I couldn't let the school think even worse of me!

"N-no! This isn't what it looks like! She's ly-"


I can't take this anymore. I stood up and looked around at everyone laughing and pointing at me, calling me names. I started to let the tears fall down.

"Oh STOP CRYING! Harry isn't here to save you! He's gone like EVERYONE ELSE IN YOUR LIFE!"

That's it. That was when I snapped. I kicked the chair out from underneath her. Kayden fell hard to the ground. The whole room gasped.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME THAT WAY OR ABOUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME AND MY FAMILY!" I was yelling at the top of my lungs. I threw a punch to Kayden's face and she covered it with her hands in defense. I let her lie there, tasting her own medicine and what she deserved. I grabbed my stuff and ran out to the parking lot to get in my car. Just as I went to get in it, I heard a voice call my name.


I turned around and it was Cody.

"Lily! Wait! Please wait!" I heard him beg. He ran up to my car and knocked on the window and I rolled it down.

"What the fuck do you want Cody?"

"I'm so sorry she did that to you. I'm dumping her ass! Are you ok? Lily I'm so-"

"Cody, chill. I'm fine, thanks." I was trying to stay calm and act like I'm tougher than I really am.

"I'm going to let people know one day that you're completely innocent in everything you've done!"

I was shocked to hear this. Cody was on my side. Finally one person is! But how did he know I'm innocent in the whole car crash situation?

"How do you know I'm innocent?"

"She told me once...kind of on accident. I was so pissed. Lily, please don't worry. I won't let her hurt you and people will soon know who you really are...a gentle, loving, sweet person."

Cody must be more of a softie and nice guy than I thought. He really wants to help me. I hope Kayden can somehow get kicked out of school but she never will. She's an angel in everyone's eyes.

"Thank you, Cody! I need people to know. This is getting out of control!"

He reached out his hand for mine. I responded by putting my hand in his; he grasped it firmly. I smiled a warm smile in return and his eyes lit up.

"I'm with you, Lily. I'm on your side and I'll keep you safe."

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