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I woke up with a jerk. I was sweating badly. My eyes were moist. I looked at the clock and it showed 3 A.M. I had a nightmare. I really got horrified. My biggest fear was going to come true.

I saw that; one day Sim and I were walking home. I don’t remember exactly, but we fought over something. She started the fight. I used swear words and she went in a shock. She ran away from me but still looking at me. A car came with high speed and hit her. She made a flip and fell hard on the ground. Her head was oozing out warm red blood. I saw it all. I ran towards her and saw her face totally damaged by the accident. No one came to help me, and I finally lost her.

This was one of the worst nightmares I’ve ever had. So horrifying and so scary. I never wanted this dream to come true.

A wave of relief went all over my body when I realized it was just a dream. I switched on the lights and sat upright for some time. After an hour or two, I again fell asleep.

I woke up late as the mini-vacation was still going on. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I went for bathing, the whole I time I was thinking about the nightmare. “What if this dream comes true? What if this dream is giving me some indications? What if I lose Moon? God! I don’t want to lose her, at least not her.”

I draped my wet hair in my blue towel and came out wearing the bathing suit. I closed the curtains and door and changed. I wrapped open my hair and dried them with the hair-dryer. The dream still gives me Goosebumps. I wish I’d never seen that dream. It gives me a peculiar sensation in the stomach. I re-opened the curtains and the door.

“Evie, come down to have your breakfast.” I came down the stairs and sat on the dining table. “Where’s dad?”

“He left when you were asleep. Heaven, do I have to give you special invitation? Come down fast!”

“Coming.” He was in a jolly mood. He sat down beside me.

“How is your practice going? The exams are nearing, you know?”

“I’m full prepared. No one can stop me this time.” He tried the previous year but didn’t pass. I wish this time he passes with flying colours.

“That’s good.”

“When is your basketball match?”

“After two days. I mean, after this mini vacation.”

“All the best Honey.” Said my mom before Heaven could even say anything.

I got a message from May. “Please meet me today at the BB court at 4 p.m. I need to talk to you.”

“Ok :P” I replied.

At 4p.m., I reached there. May was waiting for me. We walked up to the bleachers and sat where we usually sit. “How’s your love story going?” “Awesome. You know, last night, we Adam invited me over his house. It was huge, its interiors were French and the floor was just so awesome.” She went on and on and on. She described his mom, dad, brother, his garden and all sorts of thing. “At the end of the day, he said “I love you and I’ll never leave you no matter what”, he’s so cute and kind.”

“Does he know about your prankster side?”

“Of course he does. And he loves me for that!”

“Oops. Someone’s in trouble.” We both chuckled. An hour had passed and now it was 5p.m.  Hazel and D arrived. Hazel came running towards me and hugged me tight. “It’s been so long! In this time I realized that you are my true friend! Evie, I seriously can’t imagine myself without you. And I’m serious. I’ve never said something like this to anyone.” “Not even Henry?” “NO.” She said and blushed.

Moon came very late that day. The match had already started and D had to perform alone.

“So, How your life going Evie?”

“Just like crap. Nothing’s good in my life.” Hazel’s expression changed to serious.

“Why? Is everything ok?”

“No. nothing is ok.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Mom and dad have daily fights, Sim and I do not talk much now, Roy is totally broke so he doesn’t comes to meet me. My life has landed and that too a crash landing.” I felt like I’d cry if I even speak one more word. She came near me and hugged me. “Everything will be alright Evie. My blessings will always be with you. Now that sentence, just held me and I started sobbing, silently. But she didn’t speak a word to me and it made me feel even better. I realized that what if I lose Sim as a best friend? I still have the other three with me and if not even them, I’ll always have May and Hazel by my side. I had full trust on them.

I wiped away my tears and stood up. I clapped my hands loud as the match was over and team I was supporting, won. The others got up too and clapped. We all left the bleachers and didn’t even speak a word till we reached our vehicles. “Bye guys.” I said and everyone called back. We all left the court and went to our respective home.

I went upstairs and wore my favorite blue XL T-shirt. I wore loose pajama and let my hair open. I was very tired so I lay down on the bed. I got bored so I got up and went to my brother’s room. I knocked gently. “Yes?” “Can I come in?” “You may if you want to!” I came in and sat on his bed. The bed sheet was all withered and his cloths were lying here and there. His room was a real mess. Much more messy than the dump yard itself.

“Got any clue where dad lives?”

“Nah. But we are close to our destination. Like, after three or four days, we’ll find him for sure.” I suddenly felt refreshed by knowing so little.

“That’s great. I hope we meet him soon.”

“Yeah, me too. Let’s go down and have dinner. Am very hungry.” We got up and went down the stairs. The dinner was waiting for us on the dining table. We ate silently and went to our room. I was very tired and my wrist was still paining. So, I pulled my blanket up and slept.

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