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Finally the day came when Moon was about to go forever. To give her a final good-bye, I walked up to her home. I knocked gently; my hands were shivering. She opened the door. She smiled and hugged me. “C’mon in.” she said so I went in.

D, Neil, Hazel and May were already there. I sat beside May. I reached out for Moon and gave her the bouquet of flowers which I was holding lately. I also gave her a pen stand on which it was written: ‘Simsters for life, no secrets no lies’ and two birds were there. One was of blue color and the other was of red color. I went to meet her mom, dad and her elder sister. The car honked outside. “Friends, now it’s time when I have to take leave of you guys. I’ll miss you all. Especially you.” She said and pointed towards me. I thought that. But I realized that D was standing just beside me. I shifted three steps away from her so that everyone can see that it was D and not me whom Moon will be missing. “Aww Moon. Love you always.” Said D and made a puppy face. We all hugged Moon one by one and said our final goodbyes to her. After she was gone, I saw Neil and D kissing in the corner of the backyard. It was crystal clear that actually it was Deery who used Sim and not me.

After this party, Hazel and May came at my place. We went upstairs in my room.

“Evie, are you too leaving?”

“Why are you asking?”

“Because everything is packed up. Your books and cloths and make-up tools are not where they used to be. In fact I can see those packed bags ready to leave.” I told them that my brother and I were moving out of town for higher studies.

“I’ll miss you a lot Evie. Now with whom will I share my pranks? I don’t want to be friends with D and what will Hazel and I do alone?” said May in such a low voice that she could break off any moment.

“That’s true Evie. Please don’t leave us.”

“I’ll surely come to meet you guys. I love sooo much.”

“When are you leaving?”

“In two or three days, I guess. I’ll let you know.”

“Ok. Bye, we’ve to go now.”

“Bye, take care.”

It was December so it was really cold outside. Still I chose to have a walk outside. I wore my favorite black jacket and went outside. White fog was coming out of my mouth. My hair was open and I put the hoodie on. I sometimes like to be all by myself. ALONE. It is weird but I just love to stay alone. Staying alone makes me realize what I have done till now. How many times have I hurt people and how many times I’ve helped them the same? I walked past by Moon’s old home. The lights were off. I looked at it and opened the front gate. I sat on the swig which his dad made for the two of us. I realized that I was too big for it but I still managed to sit on it. On the other side of the yard, was a hobbit home which my step-dad and Moon’s dad built together. I went over it and bent down to take a look. I closed my eyes and got a flashback of memories. What will happen when Moon would realize that actually it was me who always thought good for her? What will be her reaction over Deery’s actions? Will she ever forgive Deery? Will she ever forgive herself for hurting me to such an extent? I just don’t know and now I don’t care. I got up and walked outside. I started walking. I was now four blocks away from home. If I go one more block away, I would reach Leo’s home. But I didn’t want to see him right now. Right now, I just wanted to be alone. So I took a U-turn and started walking back towards home.

I looked up and saw too many stars. My hoodie dropped but I continued to look up. I stopped so that I could get a better look. I saw the two stars which Leo called as Scarleo. Then I looked out for other constellations. The night sky was ravishing. Surprisingly, I saw a shooting star. They say that if you wish something from the shooting star, it comes true. So I closed my eyes tight and wished for three things:

1.     My brother should get in the army force.

2.     I want all my happiness back.

3.     Moon should come to know what wrong she did and who actually her friends were.

I didn’t want anything else from anyone. Just these three things can do a lot for me. I wanted to live a normal life like I lived with my first mom and dad. I continued to walk and reached home. As I closed the door, I saw snowflakes falling down. “Winter is here.” I said softly just to myself. I went upstairs and changed. I wore my full sleeves T-Shirt and double coated track pant. It keeps me warm. I then went downstairs to have dinner.

“This is one of the last dinners I’ll be having with you kids.” Said my step-mom. She really cared for us but my step-dad never tried to be more open to us. He is weird and he’ll always be.

After having dinner, I went to my step-mom.

“Hey mom, I’ll be leaving tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.”

“I know my child.”

“I’ll miss you a lot.” I said and hugged her.

“I’ll miss you too. I have something for you, come with me.” She took me by my hand and pulled me inside her room. For the first time I saw my step-parent’s room. It was much bigger than my room. It was beautiful. She opened the big wooden cupboard and took out a blue box out of it. She sat on the bed and made me sit there. The bed was very much fluffy. She opened the box. “Wow!” I said. There sat a diamond set. It was very beautiful and expensive.

“I know that I’m not your real mom but I did bring you up. So here is a gift for a daughter from a mother.” She closed it and gave that box to me. I happily accepted.

“Thank you mommy. Love you always.” She stroked my hair and got up and so did I. I went upstairs and stuffed it in my ‘Most Important’ bag. I kept that bag back in the cupboard and slept.

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