TMI SPIN: A Morgenstern and Herondale Date

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"Weigh the knife in your hand, Clary." Jace drawled lazily, leaning on one of the training beams, his arms crossed over his chest.

Exhaling loudly, Clary dramatically weighed the throwing knife before letting it fly.

It hit the target a little too far to the left of the center. The hilt quivered slightly before coming to a standstill.

In a few quick srides, Jace was standing next to the target and was yanking the knife from the target in an almost lazy looking yank. He took out another blade from his weapon belt, playing with it.

"That wasn't to bad," Jace mused, handing the knife back to Clary in another few long strides. The length of Jace's legs had always astonished Clary. How was one that tall?

Clary sighed. "It's a little biased for you to say that, you know?" she said, staring into warm yet arrogant gold. Intentionally or not, they were swallowing her up, making her lost in them. The only thing that kept her grounded was the slight interruption of Jace blinking.

Jace laughed soundlessly. "I'm nothing if not honest...and my staggering good looks." he said casually before gently pressing his lips to hers.

Immediately, Clary's natural Jace-instinct screamed for more. Her hands flew to his neck, trying to hold him captive as he gently kissed her. She could feel his smile against her lips but only barely. Something as gentle as this could already send Clary spinning...

Jace suddenly pulled away from her, grinning.

"What was that for?" Clary breathed, trying to slow her breathing. She looked down at the blade. Light gleamed of the blade, making her blink.

"Just so you know what you'll lose if you miss this time." she heard Jace say. When she looked up again, he was no longer standing in front of her but right in front of the target. He stood a little to the side, just enough for the center to be in full view.

"If you want me to practice throwing, you're gonna have to move out of the way, Jace." Clary sighed, stating the obvious.

Jace didn't move, just stood there in his usual, arrogant air. "Exactly. I do want you to practice throwing but I need you to actually hit the target this time." he said casually, complete confidence in his voice.

"And what do you plan to do? Stand there like a guy with a gun to his head?" Clary

"Technically, it would be a knife but yep, I do plan to do that."

Clary's jaw fell open slightly. "What?!" Clary growled. "No!"

Involuntarily, Clary looked down at the blade she was holding, realizing it was actually a dagger.

And, for the first time, Clary noticed the flock of birds that decorated the hilt. Clary saw Jace's father's initials.



"Do you seriously want me to murder you with your father's knife?" Clary demanded, not even thinking about letting the dagger fly.

Jace shrugged, not budging.

Clary's groaned frustratedly. "You're freaking, unbelievably sadistic, Jace!"

"Me? Sadistic? I think that title rightfully belongs to Isabelle --"

Just then, Isabelle burst into the training room, clad in a lacy red tank top—a black bra slightly visible from underneath—and super tight black jeans that were tucked into Shadowhunter hunting boots. She had managed to accommodate a weapons belt without making it look out of place. It wrapped her hips, a few daggers and seraph blades hanging from them. Her signature electrum whip was coiled around her slender hand, light occasionally glinting off the unconventional metallic colored weapon.

"Both of --" Isabelle started before taking in the scene in front of her. "Jace, get out of the way. Clary will kill you if you don't. If you hadn't noticed, her aim sucks."

Clary sighed, not expecting more or less from Isabelle, probably one of the fiercest, wildest and blunt Lightwood ever, next to Jace.

"Insulting, but true." Jace said thoughtfully. Clary momentarily considered throwing the knife. As if sensing her annoyance, Jace turned and winked at her, making her purse her lips, her mind fuzzing for a moment as Jace's beauty made her consciousness blurred.

"Then get out of the way." Clary sighed.

Jace looked at Clary for a moment before shrugging. "Fine. But only because I value the flawlessness of me." Jace said, stepping away. "What did you want, Izzy? Enough to barge in on me and Clary."

"Oh please," Izzy said, rolling her big, dark brown eyes. "It's not like you two were naked or anything."

Clary's felt the blood rush to her cheeks while Jace chuckled, unaffected. "What if we were?"

JACE, Clary hissed in her head.

"I'm standing right here!" Clary huffed, her eyes narrowing.

Isabelle grinned, looking at Clary. "Relax, Clary. You're going to bust a vein."

"What do you want, Izzy? If youre gonna torture me with jokes, at least do it later." Clary groaned, pulling her hair up into quick, messy bun with the grey scrunchy she had on her wrist.

"Oh, I'm gonna torture you alright. May I remind you, Morgenstern, that you have a date with my brother tonight?"

Jace seemed mildly horrified, his eyes mocking. "You're going out with Alec?! How the chivalry of a break-up warning has waned...I mean, really, Clarissa." Clary detected the playfulness in his voice but still scowled.

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "Your wittiness has degraded to its lowest level, Jace."

"I blame Clary." Jace said, looking at beamed ceiling like it held all the answers in the world, a small smile teasing his lips.

"Yeah, sure...blame the are such a mundane, Jace." Isabelle scoffed before grabbing Clary by the wrist, her cold, long fingers wrapping around Clary's bony arm.

"I'm offended, Izzy."

"Yeah, I don't care."

Clary watched the two siblings banter with each other and smiled fondly, internally sighing in affectionate exasperation. Lightwood banter had practically become second nature to her, a constant presence in her life when she was around her Shadowhunter friends that she had learned to find entertaining. It was rare for Clary to take sides but when she did she usually sided against Jace just to pull his leg.

With Valentine and Sebastian and the Mortal War gone and's seemed that the New York Institute inhabitants would finally get a rest and be able to live a normal life.

Well, as normal a bunch of demon hunting half-angelic teenagers with killer magical tattoos and vampires, werewolves and warlocks as friends could live.

She was pulled from her reverie when Isabelle tugged on her arm, a cruel smirk that promised pain playing on her full, perfect lips.

"C'mon, Clary. Let's get you all dolled up."

Isabelle towed a resisting Clary out of the training hall, smiling as she thought of different ways of torturing Clary.

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