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Another day in coach's economics class. At least I have this class with Hayden. Coach was talking about something I wasn't paying attention because Corey was to busy spamming my phone.


I lift my head up and gave coach a smile.

"Yes coach."

He points to what was in the board.

I read it and it was something about chance.

"Well are you going to answer the question Hewitt."

"I'm sorry coach. You only pointed at the board. How am I suppose to come up with an answer without knowing what I need to do. And you're the teacher after all so why don't you explain." I say with a smile.

Coach looks at me then mumbles something under his breath before pointing at another student.

"He's such a smartass."

I turn around to see non other than Ashley. She's this blonde chick that always shit talk.

I smile at her before talking

"I'm not a smartass. I just know how to point out the obvious and I'm fluent in sarcasm. But hey, I'll rather be a smartass than a dumb ass like you, right."

This seems to shut Ashley up.

I turn around to Hayden and fist bump her.

After what felt like hours the bell ring which means lunchtime. This happens to be one of my favorite period during school. I walk out the class with Hayden and Liam runs up to us.

"You won't believe what just happened." Liam says as we walked

I was going to speak but he answers for me.

"Nathan got his ass whooped." He says

I huge smile was on my face.

"About time he's got a good ass whooping." I say as we walk in the cafeteria and got in line for lunch.

"And guess who whooped his ass." Liam say

"Who?" Hayden asked.

Liam nugs me with his elbow.

"Your boyfriend."

The smile was removed from my face. I turn to Liam.

"Where's Corey now?" I ask

"In the office. He hurt Nathan pretty bad."

"Is he okay?" I ask

Liam shrugs.

"The teachers broke the fight up before I got I chance to look at Corey." He says

"I'll be back." I mumble before rushing out the cafeteria.

I rush down the halls and to the office. When I got to the office I was stopped by Mrs. Martian.

"What do you need Mason?" She ask

"To talk to Corey."

She removed her glasses.

"He's not talking to anyone, but if it's really important his in my office." She says sending me a wink

I smile before heading to her office. Like she said Corey was in the office. He was sitting with his back against the door. I walk up to him and sit in the chair next to his.


He doesn't say anything. He keeps his eyes locked on the floor.

"What the hell were you thinking fighting Nathan again?" I ask

He turns towards me.

"I only fought him because he kept on calling me gay."

I shrug

"If I fought everyone that's every called me gay I would've been expelled from this school." I say

He closes his eyes before opening them again.

"That's what you don't get Mason. I'm not like you. I'm not... I'm not"

I furrowed my brows

"Your not what?" I ask

"I'm not gay, okay. I'm not some fag like you!" He says

I stare at him.

"Wow. That's just... wow."

I turn from him

"Fuck you Corey." I mumble before standing up

"What you say?" He asked obviously mad.

I turn back around to him.

"That's right. Fuck you Corey! How are you going to talk about me being gay if you was the one who came up to me and kissed me. You're the reason why all of this shit even started. I'm not going to sit here and listen to you shit talk about being gay."

"None of this would be happening if it wasn't for you!" He says standing up

"What are you talking about? You was the one who kissed me."

"And now I regret doing that." He whispers but I still heard him

"Yeah, well I'm starting to think the same thing."

I turn from his and walked out the door before he could say anything else. I left the main office and made my way to the field. I needed to clear my mind.

I still can't I actually begin to like him.

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