Chapter 8 - Don't

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Emerging from the water, (Y/N) gasps for air and Nate yells at her to go, the trio swimming to the land. Up on the bridge, the mercenaries shoot them and Nate pulls the two out of the water.

"These guys never quit!" Elena shouts, more soldiers joining in the area with them. They take them out, moving further into the drowned city before Nate turns the crank, letting the rusty metal gate open.

"This was a big mistake." He sighs, walking through it and Elena laughs. "No kidding."

"I should've turned before the bridge." (Y/N) adds and the two women laugh, but Nate rolls his eyes, sarcastically chuckling. "That's very funny."

"Oh, c'mere a minute, I wanna show you something." Elena says, studying the footage on her camera.

"That thing still works?" Nate questions and (Y/N) sits down next to her with him looking over the women's shoulders.

"Uh-huh. Check this out." Elena mutters, stopping rewinding her footage and pointing. "You see this building in the harbour? Thats where all the boats come in and where the colony would've unloaded all their cargo. So if the El Dorado treasury came to this island, it would've had to've come through here."

"Makes sense." (Y/N) shrugs, but Nate taps her camera. "Wait a minute. What - what was that?" He questions. "Rewind it." He instructs and she does. "Yeah...?"

"Wait, stop." She does, nodding, thinking that he was going somewhere exciting and adventurous with this. "Uh huh."

"Right there." Nate points. "That's our ticket outta here. C'mon." He says, straightening up.

"Our ticket outta here? Are you giving up?" (Y/N) questions, abruptly standing up.

"Maybe you hadn't noticed, but we're kind of outnumbered." Nate replies and Elena raises her eyebrows, but doesn't look up at them. "We're doing fine so far..." She hums.

"Elena, I don't need your bullet-ridden corpse on my conscience. Let's go." He turns to her to make her go but (Y/N) shakes her head. "Please, don't use her as an excuse. We've done this plenty of times before."

"Fine. It's me, okay? I am quitting." Nate exclaims, his voice rising. "Are you two coming or not?"

"You're just gonna forget about the treasure? Forget about Drake?" (Y/N) reminds him.

"Goddamn it, this is not worth dying over." He moves closer, his voice low.

"No it's not. But we've done this countless of times, the adventure, the almost dying!" She says.

"Don't." Nate orders and she pokes his chest. "It's true and you know it." She whispers, feeling his chest rise and fall slowly under her fingertip.

Nate goes to say something, but Elena moves between them. "Okay, okay. Either way we have to head back to the harbour." She compromises and Nate looks away. Elena hits his arm and he looks back.

"Don't worry about, you guys can argue later, it'll be great." Elena jokes.

Elena and (Y/N) move to the two jet skis but Nate sighs. "Wait..." He walks over to them and they get ready for another argument when he shakes his head. "This time, I drive." He tells (Y/N), clambering on.

"Whatever you say, cowboy." She smiles softly and watches Elena get on the second one. "I'll be alright, it'll be fun to drive something new." The blonde reassures.

"Just stay close, yeah?" (Y/N) instructs, getting on behind Nate and wrapping her arms around his waist. He tenses under her and then relaxes, letting her rest her head on his back.

He begins to drive them through the drowned city and the mercenaries find them, laying on their attack. "Looks like we got company!" Nate warns and (Y/N) takes them out, also shooting the barrels in the water.

He drives under an archway, further in as Elena shouts: "what happened to this place?"

"Whole city's completely flooded." Nate states the obvious and (Y/N) is the one continuing shooting the men and barrels, which blow up in the water.

The trio continue through the city, coming to an archway with boards underneath. "Hold on!" He shouts and they fly off the edge, back into water.

"There it is!" Elena breathes.

"Yeah, now we just gotta find a way in." Nate grumbles.

"Y'know, I read a story once about a cursed Inca treasure... you don't suppose that -" Elena begins.

"Please don't tell me you believe in that stuff." (Y/N) states and Elena sighs. "I'm just saying - something bad happened here. A whole colony doesn't just up and vanish."

Nate laughs, pulling the jet ski up to a dock. "Yeah." He gets off the jet ski and holds out a hand and helps (Y/N) up.

Elena pulls up too and they both help her, to which she returns a thanks. "Looks like that cable would get us up there." She points.

"Well, let's go check it out." (Y/N) suggests.

"I'll stay here, and keep an eye on our rides. See if you can figure out a way to get us to that tower." Elena says.

"Okay, stay safe and don't go anywhere." (Y/N) tells her, following Nate into the city where they're greeted by Eddy's men, but they continue their way through.

They go up stairs, heading out on a ledge and (Y/N) points to the crank. "I can do that." She reassures and he jumps down to the water, swimming back to their jet ski.

(Y/N) climbs her way over and around and turns the crank, opening the gate for their exit. Elena and Nate drive up with their jet skis and he calls up to her.

Climbing down the side of the wooden structure, (Y/N) drops down onto the jet ski, sitting back down behind Nate. "You okay?" Nate asks.

"Never been better." (Y/N) replies with a grin.

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