Chapter 9 - Jealousy

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Nate drives them through the now open gate and they immediately get shot at. ''Take 'em out, (Y/N)!''

The woman does exactly that, Nate driving them forward every time it was clear. He leads them through arches and she shoots the men and barrels that are floating in the water, working as they always had done; a perfect team.

(Y/N) then turns her head back to look at Elena on the other jet-ski. ''How we doing back there?'' She calls, getting a quick nod and a smile in answer.

''(Y/N)!'' Nate warns and she turns back to shoot. Once the men are taken care of, he stops away from the gate, allowing for a clear shot to the boulders that kept the gate shut, allowing it to open. He drives through, docking the jet-ski.

''You two get to the tower! I'll meet you back at the customs house!'' Elena shouts, pulling away.

''Lets get this show on the road.'' (Y/N) mutters, loading her pistol and Nate grins.

Nate takes his partner into the tower, turning the lever and the chain swings around the other side. He allows (Y/N) to climb the chain first as he takes out the people they didn't know was in the tower.

Jumping across the ledge, she waits for him to come up and as soon as he's up, she climbs the ledges on the wall. She pulls herself up another chain and takes the other lever.

The chain swings around and she falls down to get to it, following Nate around the ledges and up the steps. He takes out a guy aiming for her and (Y/N) looks down at the body.

''Always got my back, huh.'' She says, walking past him with a smirk.

''Always.'' He replies and (Y/N) smiles, hooking her pistol around the cable and allowing it to slide her into the building across from them.

''Hey, guys! Let me in!'' Elena shouts from outside and (Y/N) goes down the steps, shooting the lock and kicking it open.

''All right - let's find a way to the harbour, and hope the boat's still there.'' Nate says and the trio heads into the room next door which seems to stand as a library.

''Wow..'' (Y/N) breathes.

''These must be all the old ship manifests.'' Nate says, picking a book up and she leans over his shoulder whilst Elena pulls out her camera, taking it all in.

''Still seem to be in good shape.'' (Y/N) points out and Nate blows off dust before he walks to the table, his eye on the book laid out on it. His oldest friend follows behind, leaving Elena to film.

''(Y/N), check it out - this looks right. The Esperanza. Sailed from Callao, Peru. Carrying 800 bars of gold, 1200 silver.'' Nate reads.

''Emeralds... Golden masks, ornaments.'' (Y/N) continues and Elena chuckles. "'Woah, reading 16th-century Spanish. Not just grave robbers after all, huh?'' She jokes, making the other woman smile.

''Right here. Gold statue, weight; 20 arrobas. That's over five hundred pounds. That's gotta be it.'' Nate informs, pointing to the writing and (Y/N) turns the page to reveal it in a drawing.

''Wow... There you are...'' Her hand brushes over it, her voice a whisper and Elena leans next to her. ''That thing kinda gives me the creeps.'' She admits as Nate flicks through the pages.

''Huh. That's the last entry.'' He begins twisting the ring around his neck and (Y/N) walks off to inspect more books.

''That somebody special?'' Elena changes the subject and (Y/N) raises her eyebrows, but doesn't turn back whilst Nate shrugs. ''Oh, yeah, I guess you could say that.'' He answers.

''Huh. I had you pegged as more of a woman-in-every-port kind of guy.'' Elena admits and he awkwardly laughs; (Y/N) pretending to be more interested in the book she held.

''Don't I wish. No, this was ah... this was Francis Drake's ring. I, y'know, kind of inherited it.'' He explains and (Y/N) snorts, Nate shooting her a glare as Elena moves closer to him.

''Sic Parvis Magna?'' She asks, turning it in her hands, their bodies awfully close.

''Yeah, it means 'Greatness from small beginnings' - kinda his motto.'' (Y/N) intervenes, not looking up from her book and Nate can notice her jealousy.

''Check out the date.'' Nate prompts Elena, eyeing (Y/N) with a sideways glance. He wanted her to feel how he did whenever he spied her getting close to someone else. 

''29th of January, 1596.'' Elena reads.

''One day after he supposedly died.'' He states and she moves even closer, tapping it with her finger. ''Wait, what are these numbers, right here?''

''Coordinates. Right off the coast of Panama.'' He boasts, feeling impressed with himself and her mouth opens in an 'o' shape. ''Oh, so that's how you found the coffin.''

''Yeah, that's right. See, Drake left this as a clue to pinpoint the exact burial site.''

''For someone clever enough to figure it out.'' Elena says and Nate laughs.

''Yeah, nice try. But, we're still going for that boat. Yeah, I'm afraid this is as close as we're getting to El Dorado.'' Nate says, tearing the picture of it out of the book, tugging the ring back under his top.

''That's great. So, if you're done with your little chat, can we actually get a move on?'' (Y/N) snaps, gingerly placing the book back in its spot with a huff. 

"Lead the way." He says, holding out his hand to the door and she sarcastically smiles. "Gladly." She states through gritted teeth, making her way up the stairs.

They fight their way through the customs house and go through a gate, leading out to a balcony which overlooks the ocean.

''I don't see any boat, Nate.'' Elena states and (Y/N) frowns. ''Looks like we missed our chance.'' She mumbles but he shakes his head, pointing out.

''No, there it is. On the other side of the harbor. C'mon.'' He starts to walk away, but Elena stops him. ''Hey, you know what - why don't I just wait here, and you two can uh, swing around and come back and pick me up.''

''Okay, what are you up to?'' Nate asks, laughing.

''Nothing. I just wanna, y'know, stay here and get some more footage. I'll be safe.'' She tells them.

''All right - fine. But promise me you'll stay put.'' Nate instructs and Elena nods and holds up a hand.

''You coming?'' He questions (Y/N), who folds her arms with a sigh. "Suppose I better.'' She mutters, following him through the door.

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