Chapter 16 - Captured

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Elena sits down on the panel near where Nate had jumped, avoiding where the glass was and (Y/N) stares out of the smashed window. He had long gone and yet she still stood there, looking out.

''So, we got time to kill.'' Elena speaks up and the (H/C) finally turns around, walking back to the table.

''I guess.'' (Y/N) replies, looking at the papers, her back to the other woman.

''This is all unreal.'' She sighs and (Y/N) frowns, looking at her. ''What do you mean?''

''I mean. This. Everything.'' She waves her hand around. ''Those things out there, people trying to kill us. Cursed Spanish gold?'' She exclaims, shaking her head.

''I hadn't thought about it like that.'' (Y/N) admits, looking at the statue of El Dorado and Elena tuts as she stands up. ''Well, of course not. From what I gathered from you three, this seems to be something you do on a daily basis.'' She reminds her.

''It's been my life ever since I was little. It's just become normal to go after some historic event and have competition.'' (Y/N) explains and Elena laughs at her choice of words.

''Competition? They literally shoot at you and try and make sure you stay down. I don't see how this is some historic event you're going after. Are you really that invested in history?'' She questions, her journalistic side coming out.

Before (Y/N) replies, there's another slam at the door, making them both jump. Pulling out her pistol, (Y/N) aims at the door and takes a deep breath. After a few seconds, nothing happens, so she holsters it again.

''How long do you think that door will last?'' Elena asks, breaking the icy silence.

''I don't know.''

''Do you think Nate is okay?''

''I don't know.''

''Do you believe he'd have to fight those things?''

''Elena! I don't know!'' (Y/N) snaps, making her jump at the tone of her voice. The (H/C) places her head in her hands, letting her fingers run through her hair. ''I'm sorry.''

''It's alright.'' Elena shrugs, sitting back down. (Y/N) brushes the papers away, allowing a spot for her to sit down, letting her mind wonder.


Time passes as she lies still on the table and Elena plays with the buttons. (Y/N) drags her leg up, tapping her fingers on her top in a rhythm. All of a sudden, there's a sound of whirring as lights flicker. 

The lift groans as it begins to awake and (Y/N) jolts up at the noise. ''Now, we wait.'' She says, smiling. 

Elena stands when there's suddenly  a commotion outside. Sliding off the table, (Y/N) pulls out her pistol.

''What the hell is going on out there?'' The journalist mutters, fear evidently laced in her voice. There's sounds of firing and gunshots and the creepy growls of the monsters.

''Maybe... maybe it's Nate?'' (Y/N)'s voice wavers with uncertainty.

''Coming back that way?'' The other woman questions as they join each other, their weapons raised towards the door.

''Well, whatever it is... we hold it off for as long as we can. And then we also pray for a miracle.'' (Y/N) tells her and she nods in agreement.

They share a look at the silence, backing away from the door.

''Are they -'' Before  Elena can finish her sentence, there's a huge explosion and they're thrown back as the door is blown open. Groaning, (Y/N) looks over to see Elena lying on the floor, unconscious from hitting her head.

''Elena!'' She shouts, but the woman doesn't move. Getting up, (Y/N) is stopped by Roman and Navarro stepping in front of her and she positions herself between them and Elena.

''Come closer, I dare you.'' She threatens, but Navarro shoots at her, the bullet skimming her arm and making her scream out in pain. It gives two mercenaries a chance to grab her and Roman smiles. "Did you really think you could get away, (Y/N)?''

''I hope those things come back and drag you down to hell where you belong.'' She hisses and Navarro pulls on her hair to silence her.

The group take the two women down different corridors with Elena over the shoulder of a mercenary. They take them into another room, where there was a grimy window and panels like the other, but this time with a microphone. 

(Y/N) curses at Navarro, who raises his hand to her and slaps her, making Roman tut. ''Gently Navarro, our guest has arrived.'' He orders. 

Navarro grabs her arm and Roman taps the microphone as he pushes (Y/N) towards the window. Across from them, in another bunker, stood Nate and he moves closer, his eyes widening as he scans the situation.

''Can you hear me in there?'' Roman asks and Nate's lips move, but they hear nothing back.

''Oh, no microphone on your end?'' Roman taunts, knowing that Nate couldn't do anything. ''What a shame.''

Shaking her head, (Y/N) rips herself from Navarro's grip and pushes Roman out the way, grabbing the microphone. ''Nate! Get outta there before- '' Navarro pulls her back by her hair, punching her in the gut. She falls forward, coughing and spluttering, her eyes watering.

"Navarro, if you can't maintain control over a small girl -.'' Roman begins, but Navarro scoffs. ''It won't happen again.''

He grabs the shoulder he shot to make his point known, making her whimper in pain as he holds the pistol against her head. The cold barrel makes her shiver. ''Trust me.''

''I'm sorry for the interruption.'' Roman speaks into the microphone and (Y/N) stares at Nate. He was seething with anger and his hands were pressed against the glass as if he wanted to break it there and then.

''I just wanted to uh, thank you for leading us to El Dorado.'' Roman says and Nate shakes his head, leaning against the panel.

''Oh, I hope you don't mind if we borrow Miss (L/N) a little while longer. Just to discourage you and your partner from trying anything creative.''

The man holding Elena drops her to the floor. ''Miss Fisher on the other hand, well, you can come and collect her. Another diversion for you.'' Roman tells Nate, a small smile on his face.

''So long, Nate. It's been fun.'' He clicks the microphone off, walking away. Navarro mockingly salutes to Nate, pulling (Y/N) along after his boss. 

She pulls against his grip, looking back at Nate, her eyes pleading with his. He nods at her, his mouth moving, forming words, but Navarro pulls her out, not giving her enough time to catch what he was saying.

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