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Tyler's POV
I ran down stars to get Tanya an ice pack for her head. I opened the freezer and looked along the shelves. I found a large white ice pack. I grabbed it and started to shut the door. I heard the front door open. Shit. It's Martin. I set the ice pack on the counter as he walked in. He looked at me with a smirk on his face. What's his problem? He made a quick motion and beat me to the door of the stairs. He went in and shit the door. I tried opening it but it was locked. I banged on the door many times. "Tanya!" I screamed. No answer. Oh god. What's he going to do? I sat against the door letting my eyelids shut.
*hour later*
I squeezed my eyes open, forcing me to remember what happened earlier. I looked out the small unbreakable window. It was dark. It must have been 10 or 11 pm. I got up and paced across the room, rubbing my forehead, trying to relieve the migraine I was getting. The door opened and I snapped my head in that direction. Martin had a hideous smile on his face. "She's ready for you." He laughed. I glared at him and ran up the status to the bedroom. Tanya was in bad condition. She had bruises on her and bags under her eyes. The bump on her stomach was growing from the baby. She was sitting on the bed. She had her arms around her legs and she was blankly staring at the wall. A stray tear was rolling down he cheek and dripped off her chin. I sat next to her on the bed. She noticed me a wrapped her arms around me and started crying. I wanted to ask her what he did to her, but I already knew. I was going to kill him when I could. I held her and rocked her back and forth. "H-He ra-". She stuttered. "I know, I know." I gulped at the thought of what he did. We lay down on the bed and she fell asleep.

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