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Tanya's POV
I sat up against the backboard of the bed. Tyler was still asleep, and he looked so calm; like nothing had ever happened to us. He was probably dreaming about us having a perfect life. Maybe living in a small cabin, just us and and the baby. Nobody could ruin our lives. I know that we would both love having that life but it wasn't possible. At least not now. But soon. Now was the time that we had to plan. I've been living here so long. The only thing that kept me alive was Tyler loving me and knowing that I had a baby coming. I was four months pregnant. That reminds me. I have to go to the doctors soon. That can be my escape plan. But I know that Martin will expect it so we have to be careful. If there was one mistake in a plan we had, he would probably kill us.
Martins POV
I sat at the kitchen table, satisfied with the sex I had with Tanya. I looked at the calendar on my fridge. It was July 20th and we had to go to the doctors on July 22nd.

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