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We drove back to his house. I was so excited to see Tyler. I still wonder what that paper that the doctor handed Martin was. Well, it don't matter now. I just wanted to see Tyler. We walked back into the house and Tyler was pacing across the kitchen then stopped. I ran to him as Martin walked in. He pulled me close into a hug. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes, I'm fine." I answered. "Tyler, I have something for you." Martin said. He handed him the paper. Tyler scanned it with his eyes and looked up in anger. He lunged at Martin and attacked him. They were fighting and punching. Suddenly the door burst open and there were cops with there guns up. "Martin Spane, you are under arrest for the murder of Evan Williams and the kidnapping of Tyler Bryde and Tanya Gandella." One shouted.

Finally, it was over.

We sat in the police department after Martin was arrested. A police officer walked up to us. "Your parents will be here in ten minutes." He said cheerfully. "Thanks." I nodded. He walked away with a smile on his face. Tyler looked at me, his face red. "Tanya, how is Martin the father?" He asked. That's what the paper was. Martins and the baby's DNA. "I didn't want to tell you, but he raped me before I was pregnant too." I confessed. "And what will we tell your parents?" He asked. I sighed. "You helped me escape. That's the truth." I pointed out. "The slightly edited truth." He added. "Huh?" I asked, confused. "Tanya, think about the first time I met you. Remember what I came there to... Do?" He asked, ashamed. "Right, again, it's mostly true." I shrugged. "And what about..." He trailed off and looked at my stomach. I realized the bump. Before I could answer him, my parents burst into the room, my mom crying. They ran to me, embracing me in a tight hug. "Can't...breathe..." I choked. They let go. "Sorry, were just so happy your alive!" My mom shrieked. "It's okay. I'm here now." I said. "And who's this?" My dad said, nodding toward Tyler. "Oh, this is Tyler. He helped me escape." I sort of lied. "Tanya!" My dad snapped. "What?" I gulped. He looked mad. He looked down at my stomach. "This man did a little more than just helping you out." He said. "Daddy, I love him." I said. "You..." My dad yelled, charging at Tyler. My mom got in between them. "Jacob! Stop this nonsense... Now this was Tanya's choice. She obviously loves this young man. She is very young but we still have to support her." She said to my dad. My dad calmed down and walked to Tyler. "Tyler, I'm sorry I snapped like that. I understand now that she loves you. And if you ever do anything to hurt her, I swear to god..." My dad said. "Jacob." My mom scolded. "Anyways, how many months pregnant is she." He said. "Six." He gulped. He nodded. Suddenly a police officer walked in. "Tyler Bryde, you are under arrest for the rape of Tanya Gandella. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, one will be appointed to you." An officer said.
Hey guys! Wtf is happening. Why is Tyler getting arrested?
*evil laugh*
There is only like 4 chapters left.
And yes, there will be a sequel!!!
But when I'm finished, the sequel won't be out for like 2 weeks cause I'm gonna take a break. It's hard work to write this. Love ya

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