Inside Keira's mind.

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Keira's POV
How I wish I could rid myself of my memories of my many lives! I know deep down that I was chosen to be born as Satan's spawn for a reason but I've never found that reason. I don't know if I can question it and an outcome will come out but I can't help it. I'm just like my mother, my real one. I used to get reminders of her condition on my birthday. After having me, she was nearly destroyed with either the pain or my evil aura!
She's currently in hospital but I can't visit her as she's under my father's false name. He gets notified if I visit her. He gave me a deal, in which I refused to cooperate, he wanted me to join him; to learn his evil ways; to be his right hand demon! In return, I would have my mother's health restored but I still wouldn't be able to visit. There are things in this world that shouldn't be tampered with or are too pure to be tainted with evil.
The darkness tastes everyone and the ones it likes, it goes for but the ones it only samples gets left with only a small black spot on their hearts, just like my mother!
I don't know if I was a mistake or planned but I know that my mother didn't have consent in having me. I know my father didn't give her a choice. That's just how evil he is. How am I supposed to be the heir to hell when I can't even come to terms with what I am?
Everyone sees me as a helpless, dangerous, young girl that has her whole life filled with torment and death. They are partially right but some think I want this, that I want people to die under my hand! I would rather them die of natural causes and evil defiantly is not a natural cause. Yes we all have evil inside us but it's not like our organs. If they fail, we die. If our evil inside fails, we stay pure and alive! I was passed around from house to house when I was younger, I hate thinking about it but it's the only thing that keeps me human! Everything falls apart around me or is put in place for the perfect future!

Can I deny who I am for any longer? What will happen when I finally admit I am a demon? Will I still be able to be human? Questions build up in my mind but the answers still remain locked away, waiting to be discovered by my choices made in life!

Word count:509
I know I haven't updated my book in a while but with school and how tired I am lately, I can't find the time physically and mentally to write.

I've also just overcame a massive writers block so if youse have any suggestions for future chapters or books please send them.
Thank you for reading.
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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