Dance with me?

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Luca's POV
The bright skies shone through the black tinted windows of the limousine. It reflected perfectly on Keira's eyes. Slowly, my eyes set gaze upon hers and noticed little details that I never saw before.

Her eyes crinkle up at the corners when she smiled; her eyes had green splashes in the corner and a little sun reflecting in the pupils of each eye! I've looked at her before but never properly looked! Brock set there awkwardly looking at us both. Her eyes noticed me gazing at the angel before me. Instantly, I felt my cheeks flush red. No one will ever know how much I like a mate? I opened the doors to enter the car park. I need to get some air for a bit before I do something I regret. Soft music filled the air from the speakers and my eyes connected with hers.

"Dance with me??" I ask softly, thinking I would take her by surprise.
"I thought you'd never ask." She laughed! She actually laughed! Angels sung and birds chirped at how sweet it was.

I knew we're only 13 and heartbreak is sure to come when school starts! Oh shoot, completely forgot about school! Yes I go to a prestigious school but I do not want to leave Keira alone or take her with me! I will 'ask' father about it and see what he says. I hope she can come to school with me, I know she will not fit in though but that is what I like about her; she exceeds my expectations of being my friend. Nothing like those scoundrels who are only my friend because of my money!

We danced until the break of dust, the sun highlighting her features and hair. "The angel has risen."I thought to myself.
"What? What angel?" Keira looked into my eyes, full of confusion.
Did I say that out loud?!
"Erm... What are you on about?"I tried playing it off but it just made her huff and puff at me until she got her answer, as per usual!
"I saw my companion,Angel, over there and I haven't seen her in a while." I do not know why but it pained me to say that! But I saw her eyes broke as soon as I said the word her. Did I break her?  Wait, I know what to do!

"Close your eyes and wait here, please" She was a lost puppy seeing the world for the first time. She did not reply but just simply nodded her head in agreement. Slowly, I let go of her hands and walked over to the limousine. Quietly, I opened the Pandora bag, that was hid in my tailored suit's bag, and brought out a beautiful bracelet with five different charms on it: a loyalty charm, to show my loyalty to her; a present, well that is self explanatory; a crown, as she is my princess; a heart lock, to show that she is safe with me as well as her secrets; an angel, as she is my guardian angel: and a feathers ring. This all came to £1,475. Not really that much but it is the thought that counts! Oh and I also bought her some Millie's cookies.

Slowly, I stepped out of the car, our gaze instantly connecting. The sky turned as deep a blue as my feelings for the Angel that stood before me! I have only known her for a few days but a few days is all it takes!
'Grey clouds rolled over the hills, bringing darkness for miles.' Bastille played on the radio, how convenient!

A tear from above dropped on the tip of my nose, then a whole shower of water dripped and dropped out of the sky! Strolling over to the light, my eyes flickered to her hands. Intwined with each other, a red, velvet box laid there! Suspiciously, I laced our fingers together: making her put her hand behind her back.
"What's in the box?"I asked her slowly,"And don't lie to me."
Her cheeks flushed with a crimson colour. Oh how I loved to see her blush! A little smile crept onto her gorgeous face, leaving me clueless.

She laced both our hands together while the box was no where to be seen.
"What box and wow you used two conjunctions in one sentence! You must've been with me for too long already!" Letters, words, sentences flowed out of her mouth like a river but 'with me for too long' sends shivers up my spine; not bad ones, ones of emotion!
"That last part sounded different than what I meant. Any how where did that Angel kid go?" But before she could finish her sentence, I put the cold, metal bracelet on her fragile wrist. Widened eyes lit up her face as she gasped at the present.
"What? When did you get this? Why? How? Who? Eh?" Her face was as clueless as a mouse surrounded by rats!
"Fine then. I was going to wait but seen as though you bought me one, close your eyes!" And I did as she asked. A velvet box was placed in my hands as she whispered in my ear,"Open your eyes as well as the box."
Yet again I did as she asked!

Slowly, my eyes flickered open as I lifted the lid of the box.
A watch was inside with a few engravings on!
"Sol mei salutare vultus mei, amica mea, et unicum... Latin? Wait a second... My sun, my saviour, my friend and my one and only?" I knew what it was but she looked stunned that I knew Latin,"And I will never stop being the beast as you will never lose your beauty, inside and out!"

Wait a second her saviour! How? We basically kidnapped her and forced her to be my 'maid'... but she stayed when I gave her the option to leave! So how does that make me her saviour and her one and only?!

"You.. You understand Latin?" As these words flew out of her mouth, confusion flooded her face as it flushed in a pink only she can create.
"Why are you surprised? Is it that bad?" Reminder for next time: think before you speak! Her left eye brows furrowed, which symboled that she was thinking, but why think about that answer?
"Well you are posh so you should know Latin! Why didn't I think about that? I'm so stupid!" She stuck her nose up in the air and daintily waved her hand around.

I tried my hardest to change the subject but an unanswered question haunted my mind!
"What about you're mother? What do you want us to do with her?" but I wasn't expecting the answer that escaped her precious lips,"She wasn't really my mother. I was left on her doorstep in the mists of the night. Only thing left that came from my real parents was a note that read:
'Keira, my daughter, we're not with you for your own good! Stick to your daily lifestyle then I know we'll meet again soon. But what ever you do, don't get angry or share your secrets!'
The only thing I can remember about that night was that they disappeared as soon as they appeared! I have always wondered about them and wished to meet them. So let that mother find for herself like she made me!"
I wonder what her big secret is!
But before I could ask her, she continued,"I know who they are though. They came to me in a 'dream' and told me that I'll be able to return home with them very soon. My mother is a fallen angel, one blessed with beauty as she was the bride of one of the Gods. That was until she met my father... The first ever fallen angel!"

Sorry I just forgot to write an author's note... Again. So the word count for this chapter is 1338 words. Please Vote, Comment and Follow. Also I would love ideas for my story as I keep getting writer's block. I'm going to try and update at least once every week because I've got a new book that I need to start soon. Thanks for reading!
~Ellie ❤️❤️❤️

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