True selves

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Wow who knew someone could be as secretive and as sensitive as me? Well I just hope that Keira never finds out about my past or my future! Her view would be completely different about me! As I wallowed in my self pity,I forgot I was in Keira's room! I opened my mouth to speak but Keira just sat there, instantly I knew she needed me to stay here for support!

Instantly, I fell to the floor. Feeling warmer, I let my eyes close as I drift into the land of slumber!
However, it wasn't long until I was awoken by something cold being placed on my head. Wait a minute, Do I have ice cubes on my head? And why are they there?

My eyes slowly fluttered to see a beautiful angel fluttered above me, her wings clipped! A fallen angel in my sight! But wait, as my vision got clearer, that looks like Keira! As all of my senses returned, unrealized I wasn't on the floor anymore! The soft, silk sheets were laying over me, acting like thermals! The feathered, fluffy pillows kept my head up so no oxygen went to my brain!
"How long was asleep for Keira?" I answered, placing a hand over my eyes to shield me from the blinding,morning light!
"You passed out for two and a half hours! Looked like you was either stressed or had a huge lack of sleep!"Her perfect lips spoke!
"Well are you going to ask your father about shopping or not?"Her angel like glow made me left rendered speechless!
"Yes, I'll find out after breakfast!"I replied to her question, focused in her beautiful eyes the whole time!
"You do know that its 4 in the afternoon, Right?" Keira spoke, leaving me dumbfounded! Instantly, I began to get warmer; was it the weather or was I blushing?? I looked back over to Keira, her face as red as a tomato, bursting out laughing her head off at the sight of me!
"I'll see at tea then."I think that I might have replied a little too smugly!
"Fine then. You can tell you're a posh person so there's no need to act like one."Keira withheld her laughter and looked me dead in the eye! I waited a few seconds while her eyes burnt through my soul. Suddenly....Laughter filled the room! My heart raced as she looked at me,"You really looked scared then!" Her eyes were looking with tear fluid as her face went as purple as an eggplant!
-----Time skip--3 Hours-----
I slowly sat down at the opposite side, of the long table, to my father! 'Life was just a treat' my mother used to say this to me all the time before it happened...
"So son... When are you going to fire that maid of yours?" Dragging me out of my thoughts, father's voice spoke. He looked at me and cowered back into his seat, "Sorry son, I should know by now to stay out of your business. Please forgive me!" I could see the horror and fear clouding his eyes! Oh how I love the sight of him cowering in front of me!
"Well this time I will let it slide. I have a very important matter to discuss with you. I am to go shopping tomorrow and you are to lend me some money. Keira is to come with me and you are to give her some too. Do you understand?" Oh how my father hates to part with money! It makes me laugh inside on what a selfish,greedy thing had to look after me since birth. However, his eyebrows furrowed and he's face turned beet red. This night just keeps getting better and better.
"HOW DARE YOU COME INTO HERE AND START TO DEMAND MONEY OFF OF ME! YOU WORTHLESS BOTTOM FEEDER! THAT THING DOESN'T DESERVE A PENNY OF MY RICHES SO WHY SHOULD I GIVE HER SOME! I HAVE WORKED YEARS TO GET US WHERE WE ARE IN THE SOCIETY CHAIN!" My father blew up and I could not contain my laughter anymore. Never the less, it was not one that showed fun. It showed expectance. To expect what was going to happen next!

My face turned serious in a matter of seconds.
"Keira I want you to leave the room and do not come back in!" Suddenly, school girl giggles echo through my ears as I snap my head round to face her, "Why are you laughing?"
"Because I want to stay in here. Trust me nothing is as bad as what I've already seen!" My father needed his punishment ASAP! I let her stay as I turned into a beast! Not like ones you get in fairy tales...much, much worse! Screams echoed the halls of the manor and pleasure circuited through my veins!
Time skip- Next morning
My sight still fogged and dimmed from last night but still a pale, beautiful girl sat at the bottom of my bed with her head hung low! Wait a minute, Keira hasn't left yet??!!
"Why haven't you left?" I manage to lift my head as she looks me in the eye. Something about her makes her different than everyone else but I can't quite place my finger on it.
"Do you want me to leave? Pack my bags and go? Oh wait I can't I have nothing other than this job!"
"I did not mean it in a bad way. Most maids run away after they see what happens to me! Why didn't you?" I scan her face, looking for a hint to her emotions. She locked them away and buried them but leaving clues behind!
"As I said before, I have seen much, much worse things than what you expect me to have seen!" she took in a few deep breaths before proceeding with her answer," Anyway, I'll be in my room. Come collect me when you're ready to go shopping." And with that she left!
My father gave us £125 each to spend but I already know what I am going to buy. Hopefully it can remain a secret. I am going to buy a gift for someone new in my family. A gift for Keira.

Thanks to everyone for reading my book. Ik I didn't meet my word goal as I only wrote 1109 words but come on I'm writing this at 9:45 for goodness sake. I'm debating whether or not to carry on with switching the POV's or not. Anyway, thanks for reading my book, again, and check out my others please. Love ya all..
-Ellie ♥️♥️♥️

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