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Justin continues to move and comb his hair like he has been for the past fifteen minutes. He groans loudly, stomping his foot lightly. Zayn had called him about an hour ago, explaining that he needed to complete the discharge process.

After the phone call, Justin stared getting ready. He showered, picked out his best casual outfit, and then moved to his hair. The blonde mop wasn't going to be tamed and this was frustrating the young man. He finally decided to let it be. Justin grabs his keys along with his phone before exiting his apartment.

Zayn fills out the last document as a police officer walks in. "Mister Malik?" He sits down in front Zayn. He nods, looking up at the older man. "I'm Officer Kane, this is my partner Officer Brown. We came to ask you a few questions about last night's events."

The young man clears his throat. "Yeah," he whispers.

"Can you describe the man who raped you?"

"I thought you said you have him in custody," Zayn snaps.

Officer Brown nods, "we do, hun. We just want you to think of any characteristics to identify him. We want to make sure that we have the right man," she says softly.

Justin walks in quickly, connecting eyes with Zayn. "I'm sorry I'm late," he sits down next to Zayn.

"Mister Bieber, we have already talked, no?"

Justin nods, "we have." He grabs Zayn's hand supportively. "Zayn asked me to pick him up and I know he needs support right now."

Zayn answers as many questions as he can for the officers. As soon as the men get to Justin's car, Zayn breaks down. "I feel like I can't tell my friends anything!" He sobs as Justin wraps him into a hug. "They don't take any of this seriously."

Justin sits on the ground with the fragile boy in his arms. "Calm down," he shushes the sobbing boy. "I'm here for you. I'll come to court with you, I'll celebrate when you win the case, I'll be here every step of the way," he assures.

Zayn feels surprisingly close to Justin, despite the little time they've known one another.

After the fifteen minutes the men had sat on the ground cuddling each other, Justin had picked Zayn up and set him in the car. He walked around to the driver's side, starting the car once he was in. As promised, they went out to lunch. Zayn was quiet the entire time they were in the car. He leant his head against the window as rain fell from the clouds.

"Can we just go back to my apartment? I don't really feel like being around people," Zayn whispers.

Justin looks at him when he stops at a red light. "Sure, tell me where to go, Precious," he smiles warmly.

Zayn tells him how to get to his beloved home. He hands Justin the keys because he doesn't trust his shaking limbs. "Justin?" Zayn whispers as they enter the apartment.

He looks over, "yeah?"

"Can we maybe cuddle?" he mumbles, "I don't feel so well anymore. I just need someone to hold me."

The EMT cracks a lopsided smile. "Of course, you don't even have to ask." He steps in front of Zayn, bringing a hand up to caress his cheek. Zayn averts the other man's gaze. "You're so handsome, Zee. Don't forget that," Justin leans forward and kisses his forehead. "Where's your kitchen? Lets get you something to eat first."

The men walk into the small kitchen. Jay made Zayn a turkey sandwich with a glass of milk. He sat next to the broken male, resting his head upon his shoulder. It took him awhile, but Zayn finished his sandwich in full along with gulping down the milk. He showed Justin to his room before excusing himself to the restroom.

Curiosity sparked inside of Justin. He walked around the room and picked up small nicknacks that caught his eye. A picture frame with shattered glass, one that was on the floor, confused him. It was a photo of Zayn and Liam, the man who had persisted on touching Zayn even when he screamed and cried for him not to. This caused Justin to frown.

Perhaps they had a fight before the incident, he thinks to himself.

"Sorry for taking so long," Zayn mumbles, pulling Justin out of his thoughts. "Oh," he looks at the picture in the other man's hand. "Can you put that face down on the floor? I was going to go through my photos with him and take them out but..."

Jay nods, setting the frame back where he found it. He follows Zayn to the bed, climbing in under the covers with him. He's quick to wrap Zee into his arms and hold him against his chest. Zayn tangles his legs with Justin's as he feels a shooting pain in his buttocks. He whimpers loudly and moves around aimlessly.

"Hey, hey, hey," Justin runs his fingers through his hair. "Calm down, it's alright. Are you hurting?" Zayn nods. "Okay, stay here," he stands from the bed. "I'm going to run down to my car and grab some pain relievers, okay? I'll be right back."

As the man is at his car, Zayn's cat comes out of hiding. She jumps onto his chest and purrs as she rubs her head against his chin. "Hey, Ginger," he kisses her head. "I'm sorry I didn't come home last night." He sniffles. The cat meows in reply. He kisses her head again before closing his eyes.

"Umm, Zee?" Justin furrows his eyebrows. "There's a cat on your chest."

Zayn can't help but chuckle. "This is Ginger. She's my baby," he pets her back gently.

Justin sets the pills and water next to Zayn on the nightstand. He crawls back into bed with a frown. "What a lucky girl," he mutters.

Zayn chuckles again, leaning closer to Justin. "You can be my baby too, if you'd like," he whispers.

Jay smirks, leaning his forehead against Zayn's. "I'd prefer Daddy," he flirts back.

A few hours later, Harry and the others decided they'd go see Zayn. After finding out he was already discharged, they went to his apartment. Everyone except Liam entered Zayn's home.

"Malik!?" Louis hollered through the halls.

They spread out to search the guest room, bathroom, kitchen, and living area.

"Oh," Harry covered his mouth as he giggled. He showed the men into Zayn's room where he slept cuddled up to Justin, with Ginger laying in the small space between them. "She doesn't even like Liam. Who knew she'd be so open to Justin?" He notes as his boyfriend grabs his hand.

"Shall we leave them or wait?" He looks at Niall.

Niall shrugs, "I think we should leave them be. We can always call him later to check up on him."

And they did just that. They called Zayn two hours later, only to be ignored.

Justin sat sprawled out on the couch with Zayn laying between his legs. His head rested on Justin's chest, making the man run his fingers through his jet black hair.

"Your phone is ringing," Jay whispers.

"Mhm," Zayn hums, "I know. I don't want to be bothered right now." Justin smiles, leaning his head back against the pillows. He focuses on the tv after seeing Zayn's eyes closed.

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