Chap 26 "Two Weeks Before The Wedding"

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Katie's POV
The months quickly passed by and before I knew it, it was two weeks before our wedding. Chris' siblings were staying at my parents so Chris and I had time to get our lives together before we start a new chapter in our lives. I was in the living room, finishing the name place cards as the doorbell rang. "I got it," I smiled. I got up and opened the door. "Oliver Queen."
"Hey Katie," Oliver smile as we hugged. "I can't believe you're getting married. Last time I saw you, you were like five."
"And you were twelve," I nodded. "It's been eighteen years. That would make you thirty now, which would tell me that you had Justice when you were twenty two."
"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "Justice, come here." A little girl walked up to us. "Justice, you remember her?" She nodded. "No?"
"How can you remember me?" I asked as I got down to look her eye to eye. "Well, that might be because I haven't talked to you for five years. You would've only been three." I got up. "I do have something you might remember. Come on in, guys. Make yourself at home." Oliver and Justice walked in and sat on the couch as I closed the door. "Sorry about the miss. It's my mistake saying I'll handle the decorations by myself so my maid of honor could just put them up."
"I know you can do it, Katie," Oliver smiled.
"Thanks," I smiled. I got a picture frame off the wall. "You drew this for me when you were four, Justice, which would be a year after we talked. We did have phone conversations but we couldn't video chat." I handed her the picture frame. "You drew me a picture of me and you at a playground and you wrote one day I will play with Aunt Katie at a playground." I looked at her. "Do you remember me now?"
"Yes," Justice smiled. She hugged me. I smiled. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, pumpkin," I nodded. "You need to meet Chris."
"Who?" Oliver asked.
"Chris is my fiance," I replied. "Oliver, that's why the two of you are here."
"Right," Oliver pointed.
"Chris, can you come downstairs for a second?" I asked.
"Right here," Chris entered from the kitchen. "What's up?"
"Chris Powell, meet Oliver Queen," I smiled. "Oliver, this is Chris."
"It's nice to finally meet you," Chris smiled as they shook hands. "I take it that this is Justice."
"She's shy," Oliver nodded. "Say hi to Chris, honey."
"She doesn't have to," Chris nodded. "SO, Katie says that you're her brother. How's the billionaire CEO playboy related to Katie Reid?"
"I see I've made a name for myself," Oliver nodded. "She's always there for me. I met her when she was five, I was twelve. She was at Excelsior when her dad, when he was there for a case. The dean at the school asked me to give her a tour so that the FBI could get what they need done." I smiled. "That day, she gave me a phone number. It was her cell number."
"Mom and Dad needed to get a hold of me to make sure I was okay while they were away if I didn't go on cases with them," I shrugged.
"We talked on the phone for nine years until we added face time to our daily phone calls," Oliver replied. "Two years after that she started calling me her brother and I was okay with that. We basically grew up together. She even got to interact with Justice through video so she was like a sister to me." Oliver looked at me. "My little sister is growing up. She's getting married in two weeks. She's going to have a family of her own soon. I'm proud of you, Katie."
"Thanks, Ollie," I smiled. "Do you know if the squad is coming?"
"They got one last thing to finish but they'll be here," Oliver nodded. "They're going to be staying in the city in the penthouse."
"Okay," I replied. "That's no problem at all."
"I already gave you part of your wedding gift but I do have one more," Oliver stood up and walked over to us. He got an envelope out of his jacket and handed it to me. "It's only if you sign on the dotted line for it but the will is already a done deal."
"What is this?" I asked. I opened the envelope and unfolded the documents. The first was a part of his will. I read it silently. "Oh, Ollie. I can't take half of your money. That's gotta go all to Justice."
"Keep reading," Oliver nodded.
"Okay," I sighed. I read the rest of the will. "Asking me to take care of Justice is one thing but half of the money?"
"You're my sister," Oliver looked at me. "Okay? You're getting half. Now, read the other document."
"You're unbelievable," I nodded. I turned the page to read the next document. I did and looked at Oliver. "You're kidding, right?"
"No," Oliver nodded.
"Why are you doing this now?" I asked.
"It's your wedding gift," Oliver replied. "I was going to do it sooner but you went to college."
"What's he giving you?" Chris asked.
"He's asking me to become co-CEO with him for Queen Industries," I replied. "I don't know if I can actually give up NCIS just like that."
"You can continue to work at NCIS," Oliver nodded. "I'll alert you about the parties that you'll have to attend but that's about it."
"I don't know," I sighed.
"It's your choice, Katie," Chris nodded. "I'll stand by you no matter what you decide."
"Hm," I stated as I looked at the document. After a couple minutes, I nodded. "I'll sign on." Oliver smiled and handed me a pen. I signed and handed the papers back to him. "You better be glad I love you."
"I love you too," Oliver nodded.
"You said you already have me one gift," I looked at him. "What exactly are you talking about?"
"Have you checked your bank account lately?" Oliver asked.
"No," I nodded as I got out my phone. I checked my bank account. "How the hell did I jump up to two billion dollars?"
"Welcome to the Queen family," Oliver smiled. "I just added two billion to the sixty something million you already had."
"Oliver, you didn't have to do this," I nodded. "I had more than enough to get by."
"You're family," Oliver nodded. "And I love you."
"And you keep saying those three words a bit much," I pointed at him. "Anyways, my parents wants us to meet at their place."
"Are they home?" Chris asked.
"They just took Shane out for ice cream and Elena didn't want to go," I replied. "My parents said if we got there before they do, just wait outside for them."
"Let's go," Chris replied. "We'll take my Range Rover. Oliver and Justice, you can ride in the back."
We got in Chris' car and he started driving. "Ollie, am I going to see Clark this upcoming weekend?" I asked. "I really need to see Clark about something."
"A taxi is dropping him off at your parents and he'll ride nack with us, if that's alright with you," Oliver looked at his phone. "Is that okay?"
"Yeah, it'll be fine," i nodded. We got to my parents house and got out of the car. Clark walked up to me. "Hey Clark."
"Katie," Clark hugged me. "You've definitely grown up."
"I'm sure you've been watching from a safe distance," I nodded.
"Those are the perks to being friends with Superman," Clark whispered in my ear.
"I figured," I smiled. My parents pulled into the driveway and got out of the car with Shane. "Hi Shane."
"Hi Katie," Shane hugged me. "Kate and Spencer got me an ice cream sundae."
"That sounds yummy," I nodded. There was an explosion and I grabbed Shane and got behind the car. "Stay here." I got out and I looked at the house in disbelief. "Oh my god." A whoosh was heard and Clark landed in front of me in his Superman suit. "This can't be happening right now."
"Elena!" Chris exclaimed as he tried to go toward the house.
"Chris, no," Oliver held Chris back. "The structure is unstable. You can't go in there."
"Is there anyone inside?" Clark asked.
"Elena, Chris' sister," I nodded. Clark disappeared into the house. "Please, please, please by okay." Sirens were hear as an ambulance and firetruck pulled up. The Fire was out and Clark walked out. He nodded. "At least tell me you found something."
"Something, yeah," Clark nodded. He handed me a not and disappeared. He came back dressed in his normal clothes. "Is everyone okay?"
"I think so," I nodded as my parents got off the ground, Chris was carrying Shane, and Oliver checked on Justice in the Range Rover. "Everyone's fine."
"Was there anyone in the house?" a firefighter walked up to me.
"As far as I know, one, but I didn't think she made it," I sighed. He nodded and left. I read the note to everyone around me. "Sorry that you all had to experience this but I couldn't live like this anymore. I've coped with depression and I've been sexually assaulted by Dad. I do thank Spencer and Kate for taking care of Shane and I. I hate to do this but I have to say goodbye. It's better this way. I love you all, Elena Powell."
"She committed suicide," Oliver sighed.
"Yeah," I nodded. I looked at Chris. "Chris?"
"Let's just go," Chris got into the passenger seat.
"It looks like I'm driving," I sighed. "Mom, Dad, you're more than welcome to stay at my place until the house gets fixed."
"It's going to be a while for all of this to get fixed," Mom nodded.
"Don't worry about it," Oliver replied as he opened the car door. "Queen Industries will pay for a new place and rebuild you a brand new home." I looked at him. "Katie's like a sister to me, and family takes care of their own. I grew up without my parents, but I'm hoping that maybe I can help you as much as I can. You are the closest people to parents that I have."
"That's very generous of you, Oliver," Mom nodded.
"How long will it take?" Dad asked.
"A week, tops," Oliver nodded.
"We'll meet at my house so you could get to know Oliver," I nodded. We all met at my house and sat in the living room. Chris went with Shane to the backyard to talk. Justice played in the corner on her iPad. "Mom, Dad, this is Oliver Queen."
"The billionaire playboy that calls you his sister," Mom looked at me. "How do you know him?"
"He's the one who showed me around Excelsior when Dad had a case there," I replied. "I was about five years old."
"Teacher was killing unpopular students," Dad sighed. "I remember that case."
"Why are we meeting Oliver?" Mom asked.
"He's the co-CEO of Queen Industries," I replied.
"I thought he was sole CEO," Mom responded.
"I was until today," Oliver responded. "Katie has agreed to help be Queen Industries CEO."
Clark looked like he was feeling really uncomfortable. "Clark, are you okay?" I asked.
"Huh, yeah," Clark nodded. "I'm totally --- not fine."
"Oh boy," I sighed. "You guys keep talking. I'm going to take care of Clark."
"Okay," Oliver nodded. "What level is this?"
"Red K," I replied as I got up. "I have some Green K upstairs to counteract this."
"Take care of that," Oliver looked at me. "We both know how that turns out if it's not taken care of."
"I know," I sighed. "Come with me, Clark." He followed me upstairs to the upstairs closet. "How you gotten exposed to it, I don't know." I opened the closet. "Wanna tell me what's going on?"
"I don't know," Clark leaned against the wall near the door frame to look at me. "You know you're really cute when you take charge."
"Now I know you're in Red K," I looked at him as I got out a lead box. "This is going to hurt." I opened the box and laid it on the floor. Clark started grunting in pain as he fell to the ground. "Where is it?" I saw a ring on his finger and I got it off of him. I put it in a smaller lead box and closed the both. I put them in the closet and closed it. "Clark, hey. Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Clark nodded, relieved from the pain. "What happened?"
"Wanna tell me how you got Red K on your finger?" I asked.
"No, not really," Clark replied.
"Okay, how about what you saw at my parents house?" I looked at him. "What happened to Elena?"
"Katie, there was evidence of C4 and it was in the room," Clark sighed. "I'm guessing that's the room that Elena stayed in. It had all kinds of pictures of her and Chris. There was one of you and Chris holding a sign asking her to be one of your brides mate."
"Yeah," I nodded. "That was last month when I asked her."
"The C4 that I saw had to be detonated from a button," Clark looked at me. "I found her body but it was badly burnt to recognize. I'm guessing that if they do a DNA match, it'll be Elena."
"Thanks, Clark," I nodded. We walked back downstairs. "We got it fixed."
"What was it?" Oliver asked.
"A ring and I don't know how," I replied. "Either way, at least he won't have his hands on it anymore."
"Katie, we just learned so much about Oliver," Mom smiled. "Can we talk to you in the kitchen?"
"Yes," I nodded. "I guess I'll be right back." I met with my parents in the kitchen. "What's going on now?"
"Why don't you marry Oliver instead?" Mom asked.
"Every girl he has been with has wanted him for his money and I don't want him to think I'm that kind of girl," I replied. "I've always loved Ollie and I always will but I think I'm better off as his sister."
"Katie, Oliver Queen loves you more than a sister," Dad replied.
"Why do I believe it when Dad says it?" I asked.
"Because of his eidetic memory," Mom nodded. "But, Katie, you and Oliver. You won't be using him for his money. You have your own but I think you'll be a lot more successful with him."
"Mom, just stop, okay? And listen to me," I replied. "I got this. I love Chris, okay? I always have and I always will. Oliver had his chance and should've asked when he did."
"He said as long as you're happy," Mom sighed.
"Katie, I know you're a smart girl and you've always been into jocks," Dad looked at me. "Are you sure you're not looking pass Oliver because Chris is a football player?"
"I'm sure, Dad," I nodded. "I liked Chris the moment I first met him. I didn't know he was a football player until I saw him practicing on the field."
"Answer me this question," Mom pointed. "Name a couple tings Oliver told you before anyone else knew."
"His divorce before he filed, I was the first he called when Justice was born," I shrugged. "He told me about his squad and trusts me with his secret."
"That should've been the first clue," Mom stated. "Does she share this secret with anyone?"
"Just those in his squad," I nodded.
"We're talking about this Green Arrow secret, right?" Mom asked.
"I keep forgetting he went public about that," I sighed. "But yes. I knew about that before he exposed himself to the world."
"Knowing the FBI was after him, why didn't you tell me you knew?" Dad asked. "You could've been in the line of fire."
"Oliver would've never let that happen to me," I nodded. "Besides, he's not thirty with an eight year old daughter. I don't thin he's still prowling the street at night in green leather."
"You love his daughter, don't you?" Mom asked.
"Like my own," I nodded. "I'm her god-mother. Her mom passed away after giving birth to Justice."
"Okay, we get it," Mom responded. "Let's get back out there." We walked back out to the living room. "Where is everyone going to stay? I don't think you have enough room here for everyone, Katie."
"Oliver, Justice, Shane, and Leesh," I nodded. "You and Dad have the second master room. I have four rooms left so it should be enough."
"Where's Clark staying?" Dad asked.
"A penthouse in DC that Oliver owns," I replied. "I think that's where his squad is staying."
"Shane and Justice can share a room," Oliver replied. "Or she can stay in my room."
"Either way, I still have one room left," I smiled. "I guess we can actually make this work. I'm ready to have my wedding already. I'm not sure how Chris is. I'm trying to give him space with his brother. I know he needs it." I sat down. "First, their mother, and now their sister."

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