Chap 50 "Back To Work Early"

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Katie's POV
"I learned not to expect much from Dean," I smiled.
"High standards?" Oliver asked.
"Mhmm," I nodded. "I ended up with you, didn't I?"
"Katie, my rap sheet isn't exactly clean," Oliver looked at me.
"I know but you've proved your worth to me," I looked at him. "You don't have to have a perfect record. Hell, Chris didn't have a perfect record but he managed to turn his life around for the better."
"Was that because of you?"
"Part of it, but he knew he had to better himself to get an education to take care of his family. His mom's death took a huge part of him along with his sister's suicide."
"And his death took a piece of you?'"
"Precisely," I sighed. "Chris and I talked about everything together and he was there through a lot." I shrugged. "I have you now, Ollie. As I was saying, I don't care if your record was down the drain, or if you're life wasn't perfect. I know the good you've done and what you've done to be a better person. That's all I care about." I started to hear growling but I couldn't see it. "Did you hear that?"
"Yeah," Oliver nodded. I quickly grabbed the salt and made a salt circle. "What is this for?"
"Stay inside the salt circle," I nodded. I got out my phone and stopped on Sam's name. "If it's what I think it is, I have no choice but to call Sam and Dean."
"What do you think it is?" Oliver asked.
"Just trust me on this," I replied and I hit call. "He better pick up."
"Katie?" Sam questioned after the first ring.
"Sam, I need your help," I stated.
"What's going on?" Sam asked, a bit more serious.
"I got hellhounds," I looked at Oliver. "Oliver and I are inside the salt circle."
"Katie," Oliver tapped me and showed me claw marks on the floor.
"They're definitely hellhounds," I nodded. "I need you're help. I'm at my old place in Quantico."
"We'll be there in 4," Dean stated.
"Alright," I sighed as I hung up. I put my phone in my back pocket. "They're on their way."
"What are we supposed to do till then?" Oliver asked.
"Stay calm," I looked at Oliver. "You leave this circle, you are torn to shreds. I can't afford to lose you from my life."
"How sweet," a girl appeared in the room.
"Who are you?" Oliver asked.
"Well, I'm sure Sam must have mentioned who I am before," she smiled. Her eyes turned black and back to normal. "Now, I'm sure you could take a while guess."
"Ruby?" I asked.
"Take another shot," she smirked.
"Meg," I nodded.
"Bingo," she smiled.
"I'm going to kill you," I responded as I got out the knife that Sam had given me. "I will kill you."
"Oh, sweetheart, there are hellhounds protecting me right now," Meg nodded. "You step out of the circle, you're puppy chow."
"Screw you," I replied.
"Katie," Sam walked in with Dean.
"Careful," I looked at him.
"Meg," Dean replied.
"Mhmm," Meg nodded. "And I didn't come alone this time." Dean and Sam got inside the salt circle. "So, come to save your little girlfriend, Sammy?"
"Why are you here?" Sam asked.
"Whoa, I asked about your girlfriend and then you turn this around on me," Meg crossed her arms. "Nice going Sam."
"Leave her out of it," Dean nodded.
"Can't," Meg replied. "Boss man wants her head on a stick."
"You can forget it," Dean replied. "I'll kill you if you come near her."
"Let's exorcise the girl and get out of here," I sighed. "I got somewhere to be."
"We exorcise her, the hellhounds will still tear us to shreds," Dean looked at me. "Are you that stupid?"
"Well, sorry for being worried," I replied.
"Call off your hounds, and we won't exorcise you," Sam replied.
"Promise?" Meg asked.
"You have my word," Dean sighed. She snapped her fingers. "Gone?"
"Gone," Meg nodded.
"Mhmm," Dean nodded as he put on the glasses. "We're in the clear."
"Great," I smiled.
"And I'm going to need this," Dean replied as he grabbed the knife from me. He threw it at Meg and she died. We got out of the circle. He got the knife out of Meg and cleaned it off before handing it to me. "Thank you for that."
"No problem," I sighed. I put the knife back in my knife holder. "Why does her boss want my head on a stick?"
"Hello boys," Crowley showed up. I looked at him. "And Katie."
"Why do you want her?" Sam asked.
"What are you talking about?" Crowley asked. "I don't want her anymore."
"Then why did Meg want her head on a stick?" Dean asked. "She said you wanted it."
"She's lying," Crowley sighed. "You have my word. She won't be touched."
"Good because you know we can kill you," Sam nodded.
"Put your demon on a leash," I replied. "I gotta go." Oliver and I left and went back to our home. We walked inside. "Hey Gibbs."
"Back just in time this morning," Gibbs replied as he handed Candie to Oliver. "We got a case. You're coming with me."
"Okay," I sighed. I walked up to Oliver and Candie. "Take care of the kids, alright?"
"I'll be here with the kids waiting for you," Oliver smiled. "I might take them out to the park." He put on his sunglasses. "I'm sure they could use the fresh air."
"Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you'll be home when I get back," I smiled. Justice walked down the stairs. "Justice, come give Mommy a hug." She did and I knelt down to look at her. "Help Daddy, okay?"
"How?" Justice asked.
"Watch Lynnea," I smiled. I stood up. "There's three of you and one of home. I think you're old enough to watch your two year old sister."
"I'll do my best, Mommy," Justice nodded.
"Okay," I nodded. I looked at Oliver. "You got your little sidekick here with you."
"She's always been there," Oliver replied. "Just like her mother."
"Shut up," I sighed. "I gotta go. I'm taking your red Vantage since you'll probably need my Civic. I'll see you guys later." I left the house. I got my badge from the Civic and got into the Vantage. I drove to the office as Tony got out of his car. I parked to his right. I got out and closed the door. I smiled at him. "Hey Tony."

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