Chap 36 "First Date"

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Katie's POV
It's an hour before our first date as a married couple and I stand before our closet trying to decide what to wear. I put on a royal blue dress. Something a girl would wear for prom. There was a knock on the door and I was startled. "Uh, just a second," I replied. Chris and I are going to the get away that we won. I check my reflection in the mirror and then go to open the door. "Hey."

"Hey," Chris smiled as he looked at me

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"Hey," Chris smiled as he looked at me. "Looks like you're ready for our date. And by that, I mean you look incredible, as always."
Chris leans down with a grin and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "You don't look too bad yourself," I smiled. "I hope whatever's in that prize pack is an fancy as we are."
"Me too," Chris replied. "Hopefully we're not overdressed."
"So, where are we headed?" I asked.
"Let's fine out," Chris replied as we walked downstairs to the living room. Oliver, Justice, and Shane were there. Oliver was watching the kids while Chris and I go out. Chris picked up the envelope. "I didn't want to open the envelope without you." He hands it to me, and I carefully open it. "Okay."
"La Trattoria," I read. "Well, I've seen that place and it's swanky."
"Looks like the school's holding up its end so far," Chris nodded. "I hope you're hungry." He grins and gives me a tender kiss before leading us to the door. "We'll be home soon."
"I got it here," Oliver nodded. "You guys go on."
"Thanks," I smiled. We got into the limo the school provided and went to La Trattoria in DC. We walked inside and I take a second to marvel at the lush interior. "Wow. Pretty hip decor for a place that claims to serve traditional Italian." We walked up to the concierge desk, where a clean-cut waiter stands. "Chris."
"Hi, uh, we go to NIU, and we won this contest," Chris explained.
"Ah, we've been expecting you," the water smiled. "Follow me." The waiter leads us to a cozy booth in the center of the restaurant. Chris and I slide into the booth, across from each other. "Tonight, please enjoy a selection of fine dishes and some very special entertainment, courtesy of your school."
The waiter places two course menus in front of us, pours the both of us flutes of champagne, I'm guessing. "I can't have champagne."
"Sparkling cider," he and bows before he walks away.
"Wow, I don't know what half of these things are," I looked at the menu. "What are you going to get?"
"I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as you," Chris looked at the menu as well. "I'll just get whatever you order so I don't have to worry about butchering the pronunciation."
"Oh, well, thanks a lot," I smiled. The water reappears to take our order. "We'll both get the cortella con carciofi." The waiter takes our menus and leaves us once more. "Okay."
"Well, that definitely sounds good," Chris looked at me. "But what is it?"
"I have no idea," I nodded. "All the descriptions are in Italian. I guess we're winging it."
"Pretty sure this was why the phrase life is an adventure was created." My eyes skim across the happy couples filling the restaurant, landing on one couple in particular. I roll my eyes. "Something wrong?"
"Not really," I nodded. "Other than sharing our lovely evening with our two favorite people." I gesture across the restaurant to Becca and Sebastian sitting at a small table in the back. "Them."
"At least they're far away from us," Chris grabbed my hand from across the table. "We can just ignore them."
They started arguing, pretty loud. "Doesn't sound like ignoring them will be possible," I sighed.
"Hey," Chris got my focus back on him. I look him in the eye and he smiles. "This is our night. Just tune them our, and focus on being here with me. I know I will."
"You're right," I smiled. "Sorry. We should just relax and enjoy our meal."
"Before the food comes, I want to make a toast," Chris smiled.
"I hope it's about me," I nodded.
Chris grins and we pick up our glass. "To Katie, the most beautiful, kind, funny, smart, and insanely sexy woman I have ever known. The one I'm glad to call my wife."
"Aww, Chris. Wait, I've got one too," I smiled. "To us. We've been through a lot since we first met, but I'm glad that it all just brought us closer and closer together."
"Me too," Chris smiled. We clink our glasses together, and then Chris leans across the table and presses his lips firmly to mine. "I love you, Katie."
"I love you too," I smiled. A short while later, the waiter reappears and lays down our main courses. "Thank you."
"Two plates of cortella con corciofi for the lovely couple," the waiter nodded. "A bold choice, if I may say so."
"It smells good, that's for sure," I nodded.
"We probably should've asked earlier, but what is this?" Chris asked.
"Rabbit innards cooked with artichoke in a white wine sauce," the waiter replied.
"Wait, innards?" Chris asked. "What do you mean, innards?"
"I assure you, this dish is prepared in the traditional style," the waiter replied. "You're sure to get lung, heart, and liver in every bite. Enjoy!"
The water refills our glasses and walks off, while Chris and I stare at each other across the table, dumbstruck. "Is it too late to order something else?" I asked. "It does smell really good."
"We won't know until we try," Chris looked at it. "I'll go first. Wish me luck?"
"I'm certified in CPR," I smiled. Chris picked up a forkful of artichoke and a piece of meat and pops it into his mouth. "So?"
"This is probably the best thing I've ever eaten," Chris nodded. "You have to try it." He picks out another piece and holds the fork up to my lips. I hesitantly open my mouth, and chew slowly. "So?"
"Holy crap," I nodded. "I'm never eating anything else again."
The two of us dig in, chatting happily over the delicious meal in front of us. After a while, the waiter comes by with a heart-shaped tiramisu and two espressos for dessert. "Pardon the intrusion, but your entertainment for the evening has arrived from your school," the waiter nodded.
"Dinner and a show?" Chris asked. "This ought to be good."
As the waiter ducks away, I see James standing behind him with a guitar. "James?" I asked.
"Indeed, it is," James nodded. "Your school-sanctioned entertainment for the evening."
"Wow," I looked at him. "I didn't know you could sing."
"Let me serenade you during this romantic evening," James nodded.
"Go ahead," I nodded. James sang to us. Chris smiled at me softly. He brushed my hair behind my ear, and then holds my hand across the table. After dinner, the two of us wander outside into the night, arm in arm. "Food coma alert! I'm just going to take a little nap on the sidewalk right here."
"Let's save the power nap for later," Chris smiled. "I don't want to miss out on our next stop."
"Which is where, exactly?" Chris pulls the next envelope out of his jacket and hands it to me. I tear it open. "It just says head to the Skyline Nightclub and give the bouncer our names."
"Well, I hope you brought your dancing shoes."
Chris takes my hand and spins me around, pulling me in close and then dipping me backward. "Ah, I'm going to need a little more time to digest before we get into all that. But after that, we're tearing up that dance floor." We walked out onto Skyline's rooftop patio to find it bustling with students. Music is blasting, and people are dancing and laughing. To my left, I spot a covered area walled off by sheer curtains. A bouncer nods at us as we approach. "This must be the VIP bar. Come on, let's go claim what's ours. Katie and Chris." The bouncer nods and steps outside. I slide into a booth and Chris rubs my shoulder gently. "Wow."
"I'll bring you back a drink. Sparkling cider, of course."
I lean back into the plush cushions of the booth and let the music wash over me. After a moment, Chris returns with our drinks, and I look at him. "I'm glad to be here with you, Chris," I looked at him. "I never thought I'd get to this moment in life." Chris nuzzles my cheek before planting a kiss on my forehead. "Let's hit the dance floor." Chris and I start making our way across the roof. "I'll be right back."
"I'll wait by the balcony."
"Okay," I smiled. As I walked pass the pool, Becca pushed me in. I flounder for a moment, then swim back up to the surface taking a huge breath. "What the hell, Becca?"
"We're not on the same level," Becca looked at me. "Don't you dare say another word to me, Katie."
"Do you want me to arrest you?" I asked. "I can get you with assault of a federal agent."
"Katie," Chris replied. He helped me out of the pool. We sat by the fire for me to dry off. As soon as I was, Chris looked at me. "The night's not over yet."
"Is there any way to top fancy dinner and a party?" I asked as I looked at him.
"I've got something in mind. My teammate's dad overheard me telling him about my plans," Chris smiled. "Turns out he's an old friend of the owner of the Dynasty Hotel in downtown DC."
"Yeah?" I asked. "I like where this is going."
"He pulled some strings and made sure they have a room set aside for us, no charge."
"Wow," I smiled. "So, we just show up and check in?"
"That's the plan. I thought we could continue our celebration somewhere a little more intimate."
"We don't need a fancy hotel room," I looked at him. "I'm touched that you would do all this for me, but I'm happy enough just to spend time with you. I don't care if we're at a swanky dinner or curled up on the couch watching movies, just as long as we're together." I smiled. "Even with our little pumpkin in my tummy here."
"I'm so glad to hear you say that, Katie," Chris smiled. "I feel the same way. And you know what? Curling up on the couch watching movies sounds pretty good right about now." A few hours later, Chris and I are at home snuggled up on the sofa, watching a reality TV show. "Who do you think the prince will pick? Are princes even allowed to marry just normal girls?"
"Who knows? Chris, this was a great idea. Tonight has been absolutely perfect." Chris pulls me close, kissing my deeply, and I rest my head against his chest, smiling. "At least we chose to do a movie night now while Justice is asleep. Because if she wasn't, it'll be Mommy this and Mommy that. I wouldn't have a time to just relax with you."
"I think she just needs time to adjust," Chris replied. "She needs to spend time with her dad too."
"I know. Since she is moving here and living with us," I sighed. "But you'll have to get use to it. We have a little one coming along."

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