Coming back to Bite

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These many be small scenes but it works. I usually write scenes some from the books I've wanted to write others from just my head. Please Enjoy



It's been years since I last saw them, driving away in that old beat-truck. I was only 9 at the time yet I remember it so vividly. Taking a deep breath. I walked through the giant rustic door to the office where everything started.

Making my way in the office, the first thing that I heard was my Step Mother and her squeaky voice "Oh your finally here" she sneered. I rolled my eyes walking passed her to my seat. "Still won't talk, like always" I faced towards the lawyer, ignoring her comment. I nodded signaling for him to start.

"Since your father just got out of jail..." the lawyer started as I bite my lip nervously, hating the word father. I can't stand him, leaving my family for...this mutt then finding out he robbed a bank for this 'boss' of his. It turned my life upside down. "He is getting custody of you" he continued. My fists tighten, as I heard those few words. I stood up suddenly, walking out of the room making my way to the rustic doors I came in. The lawyer was yelling my name as tears fell down my face. I ran straight out the giant doors running down the street.

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