If Only Breaking in was Easy

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Me and my friends are used to getting into some crazy shit, but breaking into our school was not one of them. We only playful spoke about doing it before the word was spread. Now here we are picking a lock into our school.

"Come on we have to hurry" one of my buds hissed, glancing around making sure the coast was clear. I hear a small quiet click, before pushing the door open.

"Come on we don't have all day" I whisper yelled going into the giant school doors. All three of us made it in, quietly closing the door. "Now all we have to do is make us known" I smirked, pulling out spray cans. Tossing each of my buds one I began, not knowing where I was going with this.

Halfway through it, we heard footsteps come down the hall. My friends and I looked at each other before tossing the cans in my bag and darted down the school hall.

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