Chapter 9

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Isla's pov

After about 3 meetings and walking about London I was over the whole dress thing. I've tripped, almost fallen, and can't do anything but take steps slower than a turtle. My feet were hurting because of the heels and I was about 3 seconds away to attempting to murder Starrick.

"Now Isla my dear, tonight is the night." He said breaking me out of my trance.

"Wait let me see if I care.... no I don't." I said rudely. He chuckled.

"Oh Isla dear I hate that your so nasty to me, I'll have to teach you a lesson." He said facing me. I wave of fear went through me but I didn't let him see it. He glanced at two of his Blighters and the grabbed me and pulled me into an alley way. He followed.

"Now Isla I don't want to damage that beautiful face of yours so don't make a sound." He said caressing my face I pulled away instantly and I felt a punch to my gut. I gasped and felt the wind knock out of me. I looked at him shocked and he punched me repeatedly. His Blighters were the only thing keeping me up.

"Now Isla, do you want to know what tonight is?" He asked me. I was looking down not looking at him. His fingers brought my face up and stared at me. I didn't answer.

"Tonight is the night of our marriage.." he said and my face showed nothing but shock.

"No! You can't make me marry you!" I yelled at him. I couldn't marry him, the only one I wanted to be with and perhaps even marry was Jacob.

"I can and I will Isla Starrick, I like the name." He said and his Blighters let me go and I fell to the ground. My ribs were killing me. Especially with the corset on.

"Now off we go back home, wouldn't want you to be late for our wedding." He said and waited for me to get off the ground.

I stood up slowly and held my stomach. He pulled me out of the alley and we walked back toward his house. I looked around and  on top of the roofs to see if I could find one of the assassins.

Then I saw him. Jacob on top of a roof watching me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I needed to warn him of tonight, but how? I kept my eyes on him for a bit longer until I felt Starrick pull on me.

"Keep up." He said coldly and I looked down.

"So this wedding, will everyone be there?" I asked. He looked at me surprised.

"Yes, even that Duleep, we tried to frame will be there but don't worry he won't be touched." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes. When we arrived back at the house I was immediately sent to my room. When the door closed I went to the window and tried to open it. It was sealed shut. I groaned. I looked to see the latches and unlocked them, then the window opened smoothly. I looked out the window and around to Jacob. I didn't see him. I sighed and went to my bed and sat. My ribs were killing me. I then heard someone enter the room. I turned and saw Jacob.

"Jacob!" I whisper yelled and ran to him and hugged him tight despite the pain in my ribs. He hugged me just as tight, if not more.

"I miss you so much Isla." He said into my hair. I felt tears come to my eyes.

"I miss you so much more.." I said and then reluctantly let go.

"Jacob he-" I was stopped my his lips on mine. I melted into the kiss and felt fireworks go off in my stomach. I let my hands snake into his hair and tugged him down closer to me. He broke away and let his forehead sit against mine.

"He plans to marry me Jacob, tonight." I said. He looked at me shocked.

"He can't, I won't let him," he said. I nodded.

"How? How are we gonna stop him? I can't live the rest of my life with him." I said scared. The thought of it terrified me.

"We can leave now. Come with me." He said. I chuckled.

"I wish I could, but I bet you I won't fit through the window in the damn dress." I said looking down at the puffy green dress. He smirked.

"Take it off then." He said. I blushed at his comment.

"Sorry Frye but it will take more than that to get me to strip for you, he has my clothes somewhere, I don't know what he did with them. But get those to me and then we can leave. But please be careful Jacob, I can't let you get hurt." I said. He nodded.

"I promise I'll come back." He said and kissed me one last time before heading out of the window. I went behind him and closed the window and locked it. Not a second later my door opened and Starrick came in.

"Ah, Isla your wedding gown." He said and laid it on my bed. I just stared at the fabric and then at him.

"When is this happening?" I asked him.

"8pm the guests will arrive at 7:30, be ready by then or I'll have to punish you again." He said and left the room. I went to the dress and looked at it. It wasn't horribly ugly, just not my style.

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