Chapter 17

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Isla's pov

Jacob and I just arrived back in London and were walking back to the train station.

"Isla, I never got to talk to you about what you heard at your house back in Scotland, I uh I just wanted to-"

"Jacob.. it's ok, if your going to take it back it's ok I understand." I said look at him. His face looked shocked.

"What?! No! I really really do want to marry you Isla." He said. I smiled at him.

"Really?" I asked. He nodded quickly.

"Absolutely, I wouldn't travel all the way to another country just for anyone." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes playfully and smacked his arm.

"Shut up." I muttered. And he chuckled.

"But don't worry love, I will make my proposal much much more romantic than walking down the street." He said. I laughed.

"I don't need a big thing Jacob. Just you a ring and a question will do." I said and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

Eventually we arrived at the train station and hopped on. It looked the same. I went into Jacob and I's cart and saw it was an it messier but overall the same. When I came back out Jacob had been talking to Henry.

"Well hello Greenie." I said to him. Henry turned and saw me.

"Isla your back! I didn't think this guy could convince you to leave Scotland." He said and came over and hugged me.

"Of course he could Henry and it didn't take much." I said smiling at him. Evie came in afterwards messing with her hair. I smirked.

"You two still can't keep your hands to yourself can you?" I said and she smirked at me.

"Oh Isla I haven't missed your jokes." She said hugging me. I chuckled pulling away.

"So Isla how did you manage to get your father to let you leave?" Henry asked. My smile faded and I glanced at Jacob.

"Well... he actually didn't.. I told him I was leaving and he was not ok with that but I left anyway." I said. Henry nodded. Henry knew how my father could be. That meant he also knew there was more to the story and that I didn't want to get into it.

"Well it was good to see you Isla but Henry and I have a mission, even though Starricks gone, we still have a slight problem with rising blighters." Evie said and I nodded.

"You guys go I'll probably just stay here or whatever." I said and they nodded and left.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asked me. I nodded.

"I'm just think about my father, even though he was a dick he is still my father. It just hurts that he doesn't accept me as his daughter anymore." I said to him.

"Isla, he will come around and if he doesn't he will be losing possibly the best person in the whole world." Jacob said. I chuckled.

"Ya ya, come on let's go wreak some havoc." I said.

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